The checks look pretty reasonable -- not overly rigid, which is good.
Does the commit check run against all commits in the PR?
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 3:52 AM Martin Stefanko <mstefank(a)> wrote:
I would like to present my side project Tyr [1] which is a tool that can
verify GitHub pull request structure by a YAML definition (example in [2])
provided by a user. The PR author sees the violations immediately in the PR
status which allows to correct mistakes right away when the PR is created.
I've recorded a short demo available at [3].
The validation is fully configurable and can be extended with for instance
analysis document links and similar.
I would like to include this functionality in wildfly repository. Thoughts?
Martin Stefanko
Software Engineer
Middleware Runtimes Sustaining Engineering Team
Red Hat
wildfly-dev mailing list
Brian Stansberry
Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat