This is awesome. Well done Michal!
On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 6:02 AM Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)> wrote:
Kudos to Michal Petrov for the work he's been doing around
reporting, and FYI to you all about it.
Apologies in advance if I get some of this wrong, but the gist of it is
Michal embedded the canonical information about how to describe licenses
within our licenses plugin itself.[1] This is the plugin we use to generate
the licenses.xml and licenses.html content users finds in docs/licenses in
a WildFly installation.
His work means a lot of the boilerplate we include in the source code for
our feature packs is no longer needed. See for how much is no longer
needed. is the JIRA that covers this.
I believe the effect of this is if a dev adds a new artifact to a feature
pack it is no longer required to add license data to our feature pack
source unless the artifact's associated pom doesn't have correct license
data. If you do need to add license info for the artifact, it's only
necessary to state the name of the license (one of the names listed in [1].)
If the "KnownLicenses" class in the plugin[1] doesn't have information
about a license, it's possible in the feature pack source to declare that
information and then reference it. See [2] as an example from the plugin
Thanks, Michal! This is a nice improvement that largely eliminates an
unintuitive boilerplate step when integrating new functionality.
Best regards,
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