And that’s where we get into the need-to-know the right direction, playing
with extra functionality choices (such as adding a REST endpoint) may be
one of the reasons why Quarkus did not went with archetypes.
On Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 15:27, Darran Lofthouse <darran.lofthouse(a)>
On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 3:21 PM Eduardo Martins <emartins(a)>
> So adding server provisioning to the web app archetype, which we should
> do anyway, and removing JSF and JPA, would fit the bill?
Possibly ;-) Although the other aspect of my proposal was to start with a
rest endpoint, which in turn is deployed using a war.
> —E
> On 9 Aug 2023, at 15:17, Darran Lofthouse <darran.lofthouse(a)>
> wrote:
> Some of the aims I had with the archetype were:
> - Removing the need to install WildFly
> - Being able to have a new project running and in a container in less
> that 120 seconds (excluding maven download times) starting with just Java
> and Maven installed locally.
> - Eliminating any configuration of the application server just to get
> started.
> - Leaving the user with a local project that they can start their own
> development straight away without needing to unravel anything added they
> don't need.
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 3:10 PM Ranabir Chakraborty <rchakrab(a)>
> wrote:
>> Hello Jeff,
>> A few years back at the time of WildFly 24, I have written an article
>> about "Getting started with WildFly"[1] which is currently on
>>, Though we had several updates and also the same with
>> jdk and maven versions, but the content is still somewhat similar. Just
>> from a content point of view, maybe it can help us with a simple getting
>> started. Let me know if I can help with the content.
>> [1]
>> ~
>> *Ranabir Chakraborty*
>> Software Engineer (JBoss SET)
>> <>
>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 3:07 PM Jeff Mesnil <jmesnil(a)> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are evaluating how we could improve the user experience for using
>>> WildFly and one of the idea is to create a « Get Started » page on
>>> that would be an entry point for users that wants to try
>>> WildFly.
>>> This would be useful not only for new users (that have no previous
>>> knowledge of WildFly) but also existing users to let them understand the
>>> more recent ways to use WildFly.
>>> The expectation for this page would be simple:
>>> * no knowledge of WildFly required
>>> * Few prerequisites:
>>> * Java & Maven installed
>>> * Few steps:
>>> * Step 1: create a Maven project (using WildFly archetypes, more on
>>> that below)
>>> * Step 2: run mvn package
>>> * Step 3: run ./targer/server/bin/
>>> * Step 4: verify the application is up and running
>>> * Next steps
>>> * the page should link to next logical steps after getting started
>>> with WildFly (eg deploy on Kubernetes, secure WildFly, etc.)
>>> This page would provide a good user experience and rely on the WildFly
>>> archetype to bootstrap all the « plumbing » that needs to be done to setup
>>> WildFly so that the users can focus on "their » code.
>>> We already have WildFly archetypes[1] but there are opportunities for a
>>> simpler one which focus on that user experience.
>>> Darran is already working on such one[2] that takes advantage of the
>>> wildfly-maven-plugin to provision WildFly so that everything is controlled
>>> from the project pom.xml
>>> Having a good archetype would also make sure that this "getting
>>> started" page is always up to date with the latest release of WildFly
>>> we update the archetype for every new release of WildFly).
>>> For a quick review of Darran’s PR[3], we are not far from being able to
>>> release it and build on top of it for this « get started » page.
>>> We can already start working on this page and create its shell while
>>> polishing up the archetype.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Best regards,
>>> jeff
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> --
>>> Jeff Mesnil
>>> Engineer @ Red Hat JBoss EAP
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