On 11/24/2014 06:34 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
On 20 Oct 2014, at 11:20, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:> On 20 Oct
2014, at
1:48, James R. Perkins wrote:
>> As Stuart asked more details would help.
>> The only way this could happen is if something, an agent for example,
>> attempts to get a logger before JBoss Modules initializes logging.
>> JBoss Modules looks for a META-INF/services/
>> java.util.logging.LogManager service which JBoss Log Manager has. If
>> an agent needs to be used the java.util.logging.manager needs to be
>> set to org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager before the agent initializes a
>> logger.
> It is all in the jira.
> And no, these errors have been happening on what is just plain vanilla
> WildFly or EAP/JPP bundles.
> We do not do any agent funkyness afaik.
> And as said the "workaround" so far have been "restart it" and
> works.
> zero changes to the state or arguments.
okey so there been some new movement in this.
Indicating there actually is a race condition if something pings the jvm
via jmx during the startup
*before* jboss main boot process manages to set the logmanager.
Something that will happen because
we actually have a feature that scans for locally running jvm's and
attach an agent to gather info.
Suggested workaround is to add this to our launch:
-logging org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
Question from us is, is the above workaround proper ? Will EAP/WildFly
change their boot arguments to match to avoid this race condition issue
for bat/sh launched servers too ?
No, there's a very good chance that will cause weird stuff to happen,
like two copies of the log manager being installed. It may work,
mostly, but this is not a risk-free solution.
The "proper fix" is to come up with some kind of agent mode for
jboss-modules, but it's not really clear how this can be accomplished
without yet more goofy side-effects.