On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 5:18 AM Jean Francois Denise <jdenise(a)redhat.com>
On 6/4/21 9:30 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
Cody Lerum made me aware of a pain point in this area -- bootable jar.
We use our standard launch scripts (e.g. [1]) to make setting the needed
JPMS settings easy for users doing traditional launches, but with bootable
jar the expectation is 'java -jar' would be used.
Of course even on SE 8 people may have non-trivial args to java, and not
just 'java -jar'. But we'll need to be sure our bootable jar docs cover
what's needed for SE 16+.
I have logged
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFCORE-5451 to evolve the
WildFly Bootable JAR doc.
Here and the JIRA is a good place to figure out what we want to say about
these things. I somewhat do that in code comment in common.sh (see link
I think it's useful to document something about why various things are
needed, at least for ones where a slimmed server might not need something.
But any language like that would need to have a clear N.B. that it's
possible and --add-exports or --add-opens may be needed for something other
than what's listed. I doubt we'd start testing with anything other than the
full set, so such documentation could fall out of date.
On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 2:38 PM Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 10:44 AM Richard Opalka <ropalka(a)redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Helo,
>> Comments inlined:
>> On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 9:44 PM Brian Stansberry <
>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>> For the last month we've been focusing quite a bit of energy toward
>>> seeing what it will take for WildFly to run well on the upcoming JDK 17.
>>> This post is one of two I plan. This one is an attempt to start a
>>> discussion around a couple topics; the other will be more of a status
>>> update.
>>> Status summary is things are progressing well, no show-stoppers so far,
>>> but plenty more to do. More on that in the other post....
>>> WF 23 runs well on SE 13. We want to get to 17. The key barriers are:
>>> 1) SE 14 dropped the java.security.acl package.
>>> 2) SE 15 introduced hidden classes (JEP 371)
>>> 3) SE 16 strongly encapsulated JDK internals by default (JEP 396)
>> SE 17 will eliminate global --illegal-access command line option (JEP
>> 403) so explicit enumeration
>> of --add-opens and --add-exports will be the only possibility to open
>> JDK internal packages.
>>> The discussion points relate to #3. WildFly does quite a lot reflection
>>> stuff, plus we have some use cases where end users may want to use internal
>>> JDK classes. SE 16 locks this down. For a good primer on the basic things
>>> SE allows us when we need things to be made available, see [1]. Richard
>>> Opalka did a lot of good analysis of what JPMS-related VM launch settings
>>> we need for WF to work properly; see [2] and [3]. It's not a huge set,
>>> which is nice.
>>> But, it's not complete, because it doesn't account for user
>>> applications. If application code requires additional deep reflection, then
>>> additional VM launch settings will be needed. I think that's ok in
>>> we provide hooks for users to add things to the JAVA_OPTS flags that are
>>> passed to java. But the less users need to do that the better. Hence the
>>> discussion topics:
>> AFAIR there are two places where modular jdk params must be specified.
>> One place is shell scripts (common.sh(.bat), etc) and second place is
>> org.jboss.as.host.controller.jvm.JvmType .
>> That is a minor problem. We should configure these params either in
>> shell scripts or in config files but not in Java code.
>> The problematic part is also how to propagate (configure) modular jdk
>> parameters?
>> 1) Should we have just one global place where modular jdk params will be
>> specified (e.g. common.sh(.bat)) and propagated ( e.g. domain -> host
>> controller(s) -> server(s) )?
>> 2) Or should users be able to specify modular jdk params for each entity
>> like domain, server, host controller?
>> Maybe that is already supported via standard configuration?
> The key requirement is that each HC (DC or otherwise) is independently
> configurable, and each server is as well. A domain mode server doesn't have
> to run on the same VM as its HC, so we cannot force HC-level settings (e.g.
> stuff from common.sh) onto the servers.
> The various 'jvm' config settings in domain.xml/host.xml let users
> customize these things (or any other JVM launch setting) on a per-server
> basis. JvmType provides a kind of simple ease-of-use thing. Otherwise we'd
> have to have standard config blocks per JVM type in the standard config
> files we ship, and then users (and our own testsuite) would have to be
> taught to use them.
> It is clunky that there is no way to turn off applying those defaults
> though.
>>> 1) The ClassReflectionIndex[4] constructor iterates over all fields and
>>> methods in a class and marks them as accessible. For any class that is used
>>> as an EE component type, *as well its superclasses*, a ClassReflectionIndex
>>> is created. This means if an application uses some JDK class as a
>>> superclass (ignore Object, which gets some special handling that makes it
>>> not a problem in this discussion), then that superclass's package is
>>> to need to be opened. We have no way to know what superclasses our
>>> component might have, so we can't open them up in for them as part of
>>> standard launch args.
>>> My general understanding is we do this in order to allow things like
>>> injection of values into fields or wrapping calls to non-public methods
>>> with interceptors.
>>> Is there anything we can do about this? Any intelligence we can apply
>>> to avoid doing unnecessary opening? (See [5] for a very specific example of
>>> such a thing.)
>>> Or is this maybe not a big problem? We already need to open the
>>> java.util package for other reasons, so EE component based on classes in
>>> that package won't have a problem.
>> There are many utility classes in various JDK packages, e.g.
>> * Readable or Runnable in java.lang.
>> * Closeable or Flushable in java.io.
>> We do open all these packages already so maybe it will be sufficient for
>> our users too without need to open other packages.
> Thanks; that's a good point.
>>> 2) There are cases where our configuration allows users to specify a
>>> class to use as the impl of interface, as an instruction for the server to
>>> instantiate an instance and use it. Examples include NamingContext and
>>> java.security.Policy impls. In some cases well known examples of those
>>> interfaces are internal JDK classes.
>>> Should we identify likely cases of these things and proactively include
>>> those packages in our server launch --add-opens set? My general instinct is
>>> no, but there may be cases where my instincts are wrong.
>> I would also say no. Few of the answers will be obvious after a
>> successful 100% TCK run.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
>>> Best regards,
>>> Brian
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> --
> Brian Stansberry
> Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
> He/Him/His
Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
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