We had some discussion recently about improving the release process & development of
WildFly after the release of WildFly 11.
One of the proposal was to avoid building and testing code that is not changing often from
WildFly every time the project is built.
A good candidate for that kind of code is the legacy extensions.
A legacy extension is a WildFly extension that is no longer usable (they have no runtime)
but still provides a management model that can be in some case be migrated to newer
For example:
* web > undertow
* messaging > messaging-activemq
* jacorb > iiop-openjdk
Other legacy extensions are not migrated (cmp, jaxr and configadmin).
(jacorb legacy extension is a bit different as it is still usable by leveraging the
runtime of iiop-openjdk aiui).
The legacy extensions are frozen. Their management model is frozen and they only require
changes when the new corresponding extensions have some changes that required to be taken
into account during migration.
But every time we build and release WildFly, we have to compile and test that unchanged
I started a proof of concept that provides a feature pack (wildfly-legacy-feature-pack)
that contains legacy extensions so they can be removed from WildFly codebase:
These legacy extensions are provided by the wildfly-legacy-feature-pack that contains
everything to install them in WildFly (module definitions and jars).
Wildfly’s own feature-pack then depends on it[1] so that the actual distribution of
WildFly is not different from the current one.
But a lot of code can be removed from the wildfly codebase by moving these extensions to a
separate project.
Since legacy extensions have no runtime and only a management model, they have few
dependencies and relies only on the wildfly-core-feature-pack.
There is just an interesting problem with the migrate operation that some of these
extensions define (web and messaging).
The code of the :migrate operation itself is not dependent on the new extensions as it
only manipulates DMR operations.
However the functional test of the :migrate operation requires the new extension to be
able to validate that the management model of the legacy extension has been properly
migrated to a valid management model of the new extension.
This means that the legacy extensions depends on the new extensions (defined in wildfly)
*with a test scope*[2].
This introduces a circular dependency between wildfly (that depends on the
wildlfy-legacy-feature-pack) and the wildfly-legacy-feature-pack (that depends on wildfly
extensions *with test scope*).
Since one of the dependency is in scope test, I worked around that by depending on the n-1
version of wildfly from wildlfy-legacy-feature-pack. It’s not ideal but in practice I’m
not sure it is a big issue.
Maintainers of legacy extensions can build local snapshots of WildFly and use it as a
dependency for the legacy-feature-pack when there might be some changes that impact the
legacy extensions.
The only legacy extension that I could not move is the jacorb one. This one is tightly
bound to the new iiop-openjdk extension. It inherits from its classes to provide its
runtime emulation.
Moving the other legacy extensions still reduces the size of WildFly with 230-ish files
removed and almost 50K lines:
$ git diff --shortstat master legacy-feature-pack
233 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 49832 deletions(-)
What do you think?
Once we have released WildFly 11, would it be worth moving legacy extensions to a separate
feature pack?
Jeff Mesnil
JBoss, a division of Red Hat