Yes, understandable. Maybe it can be run where pull-player is being run
then? CC Ken.
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 12:27 PM Darran Lofthouse <darran.lofthouse(a)>
I think if we were to add something to the PR process is should not
on a single individual to maintain it, if that person is busy, asleep, sick
or on holiday then there will be no one to deal with down time and other
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 11:25 AM Martin Stefanko <mstefank(a)>
> I can run it my openshift online instance so uptime would be maintained
> by me for the time being. I have already several instances running like
> this for some time. During F2F we've also discussed possibility to use Prow
> project <> for
> wildlfy which would require a platform to run (my openshift cannot cover
> this) and Tyr would nicely integrate with Prow (already tested). However, I
> am not aware if there has been any movement with Prow setup for wildfly
> repository recently.
> Martin
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 11:26 AM Darran Lofthouse <
> darran.lofthouse(a)> wrote:
>> Couple of questions.
>> Where does this need to run?
>> How does this get maintained regarding things like uptime?
>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 9:52 AM Martin Stefanko <mstefank(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to present my side project Tyr [1] which is a tool that
>>> can verify GitHub pull request structure by a YAML definition (example in
>>> [2]) provided by a user. The PR author sees the violations immediately in
>>> the PR status which allows to correct mistakes right away when the PR is
>>> created.
>>> I've recorded a short demo available at [3].
>>> The validation is fully configurable and can be extended with for
>>> instance analysis document links and similar.
>>> I would like to include this functionality in wildfly repository.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> Martin Stefanko
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Middleware Runtimes Sustaining Engineering Team
>>> Red Hat
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