Just to understand. I saw the SecurityIdentiy will be called by
KeycloakHttpServerAuthenticationMechanism, and this will finally trigger
the KeycloakSecurityRealm to create identity. To make this all work,
we need to
configure KeycloakSecurityRealm and
KeycloakHttpServerAuthenticationMechanism under Elytron subsystem, right?
06/07/2018 12:25 AM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
I don't think Keycloak integration code can be worked to be a
It seems to me that you would need a specific security realm
implementation from where you could just return an authorized identity
as a result of parsing the SAML assertion. Here is what we have in
Keycloak [1]. As you can see, we are basically trusting a
KeycloakPrincipal, previously created by the keycloak adapter, and
creating an authorization identity from it. We don't re-authenticate
the user.
So when pushContext is called, you could use
serverauthenticationcontext and the CBH to ask Elytron for a security
identity. See [2]. In this last example, we pass the previously
authenticated principal via EvidenceVerifyCallback.
I think this might work for you.
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 12:30 AM, Jim Ma <ema(a)redhat.com
<mailto:ema@redhat.com>> wrote:
On 06/04/2018 09:31 PM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
> In Keycloak integration we have a specific security realm
> implementation that expects a principal previously authenticated
> by a keycloak adapter (e.g.: using SAML or OIDC) and builds an
> authorized identity based on it. Basically, what this security
> realm does is populate the authorized idenitty with information
> from tokens.
> Later we complete authentication in Elytron and set the token as
> a credential into the identity. It is worth mention that in
> Keycloak integration, the adapter is a Elytron HTTP
> Authentication Mechanism, so we don't deal directly with the
> security domain but with the callback handler.
> Regarding ElytronSecurityDomainContextImpl, is method pushContext
> called after a call to isValid ? If so, the security domain
> should be set with the security identity and you don't even need
> to keep that ThreadLocal ...
Thanks Pedro . Do you think the keycloak Elytron integration code
can be improved or changed to a common utility to convert the
principal to an Elytron identity?
Can you please point me the integration code or some Elytron
example code snippet to build this authorized identity from a
authenticated principal ?
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 7:03 AM, Darran Lofthouse
> <darran.lofthouse(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:darran.lofthouse@redhat.com>> wrote:
> Just added Pedro in CC so see if he has any suggestions -
> this is sounding similar to the problems he would have needed
> to handle when he added support for KeyCloak integration
> using the Elytron APIs.
> Although the reported problem we are working on is in the
> context of access to the token it does currently sound that
> there is a missing pre-requisite step of tying the
> authentication to Elytron to we can populate a
> SecurityIdentity. But this does not sound like the first
> time we have needed to approach this.
> Regards,
> Darran Lofthouse.
> On Thu, 31 May 2018 at 10:54 Jim Ma <ema(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:ema@redhat.com>> wrote:
> On 05/31/2018 05:37 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>> So the validation is within Apache CXF - is there an end
>> result to this validation where you have access to
>> everything you need where we could perform some
>> additional steps?
> After Apache CXF validation, we can get a LoginContext
> from CXF's exchange message :
> Can we do something to convert it to an Elytron
> authenticated identity ?
> Or we have to hook/replace something with Elytron in
> CXF's validation to make this work ?
>> On Thu, 31 May 2018 at 10:34 Jim Ma <ema(a)redhat.com
>> <mailto:ema@redhat.com>> wrote:
>> The saml validation is now Apache CXF's SAML
>> functionality. We can't port the CXF's security to
>> rely on
>> our Elytron.
>> On 05/31/2018 05:07 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>>> It sounds to me then that the place to start is
>>> within the SAML validation, this is effectively an
>>> authentication step so should be ported over to an
>>> Elytron based authentication - the end result of
>>> the authentication would then be the required
>>> SecurityIdentity to propagate from container to
>>> container.
>>> On Thu, 31 May 2018 at 03:57 Jim Ma <ema(a)redhat.com
>>> <mailto:ema@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>> On 05/30/2018 09:47 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>>>> I am currently gathering together some
>>>> information regarding how the JCA subsystem
>>>> handles the requirement of populating a
>>>> Subject for propagation into a resource
>>>> adapter, however there is a general question
>>>> about what is attempting to be achieved here.
>>>> Once an EJB is secured using WildFly Elytron
>>>> the associated identity is not accessed as a
>>>> Subject instead it is accessed a
>>>> SecurityIdentity the current SecurityIdentity
>>>> can always be retrieved by calling the current
>>>> SecurityDomain: -
>>>> The SecurityIdentity has some similarity with
>>>> the Subject in that amongst other things it
>>>> also contains a collection of public
>>>> credentials and a collection of private
>>>> credentials: -
>>>> So I think the very first question is has the
>>>> SecurityIdentity been correctly populated with
>>>> any delegated credentials? If not that is
>>>> going to be a pre-requisite for any follow on
>>>> steps regardless.
>>>> Then secondly what is it that is making use of
>>>> this identity? Why can't it be ported to make
>>>> use of the Elytron authentication client APIs
>>>> which amongst other things provide support for
>>>> delegation from the current identity.
>>>> If we need to we can look at a conversion to a
>>>> Subject but we are only doing that where it is
>>>> really required.
>>> We don't have the SecurityIdentity populated,
>>> there is only principal and subject created by
>>> jbossws/CXF's saml validator.
>>> We need to convert the subject/principal to
>>> Elytron's SecurityIdentity or something else,
>>> then later on EJB subystem with Elytron
>>> security can retrieve this authenticated info
>>> without check it twice. So we'd like to know
>>> how can we convert a subject/principal
>>> to Elytron's SecurityIdentity and let Elytron
>>> know this is already authenticated and authorized.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Darran Lofthouse.
>>>> On Wed, 30 May 2018 at 10:27 Alessio Soldano
>>>> <asoldano(a)redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:asoldano@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>> As suggested by Darran, I'm forwarding the
>>>> message below to the list on behalf of Jim.
>>>> The classes Jim is referring to are at
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: *Jim Ma* <ema(a)redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:ema@redhat.com>>
>>>> Date: Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:03 AM
>>>> Subject: Set an authorized identity to
>>>> EltyronSecurity Context
>>>> To: Darran Lofthouse
>>>> <darran.lofthouse(a)redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:darran.lofthouse@redhat.com>>
>>>> Cc: Alessio Soldano <asoldano(a)redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:asoldano@redhat.com>>
>>>> Hi Darran,
>>>> We are helping look at a customer issue
>>>> which requires propagate the authenticated
>>>> subject from webservice subsystem to
>>>> ejb subystem. With old security domain ,
>>>> we can do this with creating a subject :
>>>> @Override
>>>> public void pushSubjectContext(final
>>>> Subject subject, final Principal
>>>> principal, final Object credential) {
>>>> AccessController.doPrivileged(new
>>>> PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
>>>> public Void run() {
>>>> SecurityContext
>>>> securityContext =
>>>> SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext();
>>>> if (securityContext == null) {
>>>> securityContext =
>>>> createSecurityContext(getSecurityDomain());
>>>> }
>>>> credential, subject);
>>>> return null;
>>>> }
>>>> });
>>>> }
>>>> After Elytron, what is the equivalent
>>>> thing to do this then ejb can retrieve
>>>> this security without check this twice ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jim
>>>> --
>>>> Alessio Soldano
>>>> Associate Manager
>>>> Red Hat
>>>> <
>>>> <