. If everyone else
agrees with doing this I'm happy to get a full list together for the ones
in question. If we want to just test with one first though I'm happy to
have RESTEasy be the tester.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 8:54 AM Scott Stark <sstark(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I can take it on since this impacts our getting WildFly certified
EE10. What GitHub org would I use for these forked repos?
On Mar 3, 2022 at 10:25:39 AM, James Perkins <jperkins(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> I do think this would be nice if someone is willing to manage it. I can
> say with RESTEasy for the Jakarta REST dependencies only I'm using the
> Jakarta EE staging repository which is not ideal. It essentially pollutes
> anyones local maven repository that who builds RESTEasy on it's main
> branch. I also have to do some ugly hacks to get the TCK to download to use
> it as a dependency.
> As for changes, I can say there is likely at least one TCK change coming
> to the Jakarta REST TCK, but it's just a test change.
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 4:21 PM Scott Stark <sstark(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> None of the specs is under development, so at most what I would expect
>> to see is there might need to be a respin of the staged content to update
>> the javadocs. That has happened, but no one with a staged final API
>> artifact has made a change to it. It might happen for example with JSTL or
>> faces where significant restructuring of the project and building of the
>> tlds has changed and might show a problem as the TCK is finalized.
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 12:26 PM Darran Lofthouse <
>> darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 6:22 PM Brian Stansberry <
>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 12:05 PM Darran Lofthouse <
>>>> darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 5:08 PM Brian Stansberry <
>>>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 10:50 AM Brian Stansberry <
>>>>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> As of last week there were no milestone releases for the EE
>>>>>>> specs listed at [1] available in maven central. It's not
clear when public
>>>>>>> releases of some of these specs might be possible. I've
directly addressed
>>>>>>> the WFLY component leads for the JIRA components that
integrate those
>>>>>>> because I'd like to get answers to 3 questions:
>>>>>>> 1) Would near term (say next couple weeks) production of a
>>>>>>> -jbossorg variant of a milestone of a spec be useful to you?
E.g. unblock
>>>>>>> other work. Probably this could be done by forking the
official spec
>>>>>>> branch into our existing JBoss fork repos and publishing a
>>>>>>> variant of an existing tag.
>>>>> It might be worth thinking about how this will look and the flows in
>>>>> git for this.
>>>>> We probably need to keep the option open that the module we are
>>>>> forking is not final so subject to change so we may need subsequent
>>>>> jbossorg releases.
>>>>> Where we fork a maven project it sounds like it will be two steps to
>>>>> tag, the first being the migration to add jboss-parent as the parent
so we
>>>>> inherit the configuration to publish to nexus. Secondly would be
>>>>> version change to add the jbossorg suffix.
>>>>> Where we need to sync from upstream maybe it would be sufficient to
>>>>> use "git merge" to pull in the upstream changes, add
another commit for our
>>>>> next jbossorg version and tag again?
>>>>> Or we could create a new branch each time we need to tag, fork from
>>>>> upstream, apply the two changes, tag.
>>>> Sounds right, although my belief is that we're largely talking about
>>>> specs that won't be changing much. I *believe* this is mostly about
>>>> where the API is done and available in staging repos, but won't be
>>>> published in maven central until the spec TCK is finished and the vote
>>>> happens. If specs are still actively developing their API hopefully they
>>>> would publish a public milestone.
>>> +1 it sounds like assume we will do it once, but just be prepared in
>>> case a subsequent release is needed. Early naming conventions may be
>>> influenced by the preferred approach.
>>>>>>> 2) If not useful near term, an info on when the lack of a
>>>>>>> API milestone would be a problem for you EE 10 work would be
>>>>>>> 3) If useful, could you help?
>>>>>>> I'll create a google sheet to record input.
>>>>>> Anyone can read that; if you want to write to it please send me
>>>>>> google account privately. Or you can give input via this thread
and I'll
>>>>>> add it.
>>>>>>> Note that I'm not talking about using these releases for
the long
>>>>>>> term; it's just about avoiding needing to use staging
repos for WF 27
>>>>>>> development while we wait for releases in maven central.
Obviously there is
>>>>>>> a cost/benefit tradeoff here, hence the request for input.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> Authentication
>>>>>>> Concurrency
>>>>>>> Connectors
>>>>>>> Enterprise Java Beans (no biggie; just a micro)
>>>>>>> JSON Binding
>>>>>>> JSON Processing
>>>>>>> Messaging
>>>>>>> RESTFul Webservices
>>>>>>> Server Pages
>>>>>>> Servlet
>>>>>>> Standard Tag Library
>>>>>>> Websocket
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Brian Stansberry
>>>>>> Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
>>>>>> He/Him/His
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>>>>>> wildfly-dev mailing list -- wildfly-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Brian Stansberry
>>>> Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
>>>> He/Him/His
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> --
> James R. Perkins
> JBoss by Red Hat
James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat