On 11/06/2013 11:26 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
I'd like to get some info from the component leads responsible
for WF
1) What statistical data does your subsystem capture (including the
underlying libraries it integrates).
The JPA subsystem captures the Hibernate statistics, only if Hibernate
statistics are enabled (each persistence unit has its own statistics).
2) What configuration options do you support for enabling/disabling
statistics gathering. What's the resource address and attribute name of
the config option?
You can enable the statistics (off by default) with the following or you
can include a (application) persistence unit property to enable the
Hibernate statistics:
Address is
http://fpaste.org/52218 for example of
3) Is the statistic gathering enabled by default?
No, disabled by default.
Paul Ferraro's pull request [1] fixing JIRA [2] prompts this question,
although it's long overdue. WF should be consistent about how we handle
configuration of statistics gathering, so I'd like to take the
opportunity of Paul's PR to move in that direction.
Thanks for your help.