I am working on
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-761 for a while,
and I am stuck in the case of overlaying files in jar of war of ear.
I want to know that do we support overlay for files in jar of war of
ear? like: xx.ear/yy.war/zz.jar/META-INF/config.properties
DeploymentOverlayDeploymentUnitProcessor.java[1] and
DeferredDeploymentOverlayDeploymentUnitProcessor.java[2] are classes to
handle the deployment overlay, but in this case, the jar of war of ear does
not get mounted yet, which leads
to DeferredDeploymentOverlayDeploymentUnitProcessor.handleEntryWithFileParent()
method is called, which just prints the error message.
The way to fix it maybe mount the jar(VFS.mountZip) beforehand, but it
is specific to the case of ear/war/jar, and these 2 classes are more
generic(they are in wildfly-core, no ee nor undertow extension), so where
this can be fixed?
Best Regards
Lin Gao
JBoss Software Engineer