On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 2:55 AM Darran Lofthouse <darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com>
On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 8:06 PM Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 1:03 PM James Perkins <jperkins(a)redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 9:26 AM Brian Stansberry <
>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 5:54 PM James Perkins <jperkins(a)redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Since I've been one that keeps talking about this, it seems I should
>>>> reply here as well :)
>>>> In general we could, and really probably should, start with a known
>>>> set of dependencies to upgrade. Otherwise we'll probably see A LOT
>>>> dependency upgrade PR's.
>>> Can we start by just doing this in dependabot.yml:
>>> ignore:
>>> - dependency-name: "*"
>>> update-types: ["version-update:semver-major",
>>> "version-update:semver-minor"]
>> We could, yes. We will likely have a lot of upgrades come in that way.
>> This might be okay, but my initial thought was to list specific
>> dependencies we know to be upgradeable without a JIRA. I'm definitely up
>> for being aggressive if we want though :)
> I'll confess to being too lazy to try and figure out which deps to allow.
> :)
>>> So we limit things to just the micros.
>>> Dependabot will only produce 5 open PRs at a time, unless we specify a
>>> different number via dependabot.yml.* So we can process 5 at a time and
>>> even quickly close ones that will require more thought than we want to
>>> spend at that time. The dependency update report that's sent to this
>>> every week will prevent any we ignore or close from falling into a crack.
>>> * Perhaps we should start with a smaller max number and increase it
>>> every day or so until we get to whatever our long-term target is. IOW,
>>> avoid an initial CI-hogging flood.
>> The CI concerns are definitely valid. I hadn't considered that.
> I don't think it's *that* big a deal if our long term target is fairly
> small. Like if we turned it on on a Friday afternoon not near any tagging
> deadline probably no one would even notice the load.
> We need to be careful about rebase-strategy though. Having say 5 PRs
> continually rebasing and kicking off CI every time we merge would be bad.
> Probably we should turn it off and use the pull player /retest when we want
> a retest, same as we do with human-created PRs.
+1 this must rebase strategy of GitHub to me feels like the strategy of
how can we make it feel more like SVN - we don't need rebases on our PRs
and if we are concerned about a combo we do one aggregate PR to test
I rebase PR's all the time :) That said, you can still rebase dependabot
PR's with a comment of @dependabot rebase. You could use recreate instead
as well. The main reason for the rebase though is when a PR has a conflict.
>>>> One thing to note too is that dependabot will create a branch in the
>>>> repository. Anyone doing a fetch locally will get this new branch. Not
>>>> really a huge deal, but something to keep in mind. Locally you might
>>>> to run git remote prune <your_remote> a little more often if you
like to
>>>> keep things clean :)
>>> Thanks for the tip!
>>>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 10:33 AM Brian Stansberry <
>>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Occasionally we've thought about turning on dependabot for the
>>>>> WildFly repo, and a couple current discussions (see [1] and [2])
relate to
>>>>> that, so it seems a good time to discuss further and perhaps take
>>>>> My main concern with dependabot is it doesn't integrate with
>>>>> JIRA is really important to how we're able to keep a handle on a
project as
>>>>> complex as WildFly. And I think it's important to track component
>>>>> in JIRA so our users can keep an eye on what we're providing.
>>>>> important in the world of ubiquitous CVE scanners.
>>>>> But James Perkins has pointed out that such JIRA tracking is kind of
>>>>> overkill for non-production dependencies (e.g. test and build deps)
and I
>>>>> agree.
>>>>> So, how about we turn on dependabot and require a JIRA to be filed
>>>>> and linked to the PR if the proposed upgrade is production code dep?
>>>>> non-production deps a JIRA would be optional.
>>>>> The other thing I care about a lot is being able to grep the git log
>>>>> for commits related to a JIRA. That would of course be lost for
>>>>> non-production upgrades with no JIRA. Oh well. Also though
>>>>> wouldn't put our JIRA in its commit messages. But for PRs where
we file a
>>>>> JIRA we can require human edit of the dependabot PR title to
reference the
>>>>> JIRA. That will result in the JIRA appearing in the log via the
>>>>> commit Github generates. That solves the git log use case adequately
>>>>> IMO.
>>>> TBH I only grep for JIRA's if I have the JIRA I'm trying to find
>>>> commit for. Short of that, I pretty much just use git blame on the file
>>>> find out which commit changed a line. But everyone has their own
>>>> and I don't want to push mine on anyone :)
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Brian
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>>>> --
>>>> James R. Perkins
>>>> JBoss by Red Hat
>>> --
>>> Brian Stansberry
>>> Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
>>> He/Him/His
>> --
>> James R. Perkins
>> JBoss by Red Hat
> --
> Brian Stansberry
> Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
> He/Him/His
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James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat