You have 41 prepared statment access to the cache. This not mean that you have 41
different statements.
This means that you have actually only 6 different. Those 6 were added initially to the
cache and
the other 35 access found them on the cache, so you have 35 hits.
On Aug 27, 2014, at 7:58 AM, Eduardo Sant'Ana da Silva
<eduardo.santanadasilva(a)> wrote:
* JBQA-6456 Test jdbc statistics of data sources
* @author <a href="vrastsel(a)">Vladimir Rastseluev</a>
public class DataSourceJdbcStatisticsTestCase {
public StringBuffer assertStatisticsSet(boolean yes, ModelNode statisticNode) throws
Exception {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String[] params = { "PreparedStatementCacheAccessCount", // The
number of times that the statement cache was
// accessed
"PreparedStatementCacheAddCount", // The number of
statements added to the statement cache
"PreparedStatementCacheCurrentSize", // The number of
prepared and callable statements currently cached in
// the statement cache
"PreparedStatementCacheDeleteCount", // The number of
statements discarded from the cache
"PreparedStatementCacheHitCount" // The number of times
that statements from the cache were used
On Aug 27, 2014, at 6:10 AM, Heiko Braun <hbraun(a)> wrote:
> PreparedStatementCacheAccessCount