I think this should be fine. In fact IMO we probably should have a
system property (or something along those lines) which disables this
check for special cases like this.
On 02/28/2016 04:21 AM, Dominique Broeglin wrote:
I’m trying to run JBoss inside OSv (
http://osv.io/ <
http://osv.io/>). OSv is a
kernel as a library. Meaning the JVM *is* both the kernel and the only process that is
launched inside the hypervisor VM. That required a few tricks on OSv’s part to make things
work. One of them is that, they wrap the LogManager in their own class:
Which obviously triggers an error at that point:
A few years back there was a thread about : [wildfly-dev] JBAS011592 the logging
subsystem requires the log manager to be org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager So I have basic
understanding of the issue at hand.
As OSv does not really _replace_ the LogManager with their own but merely wraps it. I
thought I could try to just remove the above check and see how far I could go. And
actually, wildfly seems to start without an issue. However, I’m not sure it will not cause
issues down the road.
Could somebody help me assert if this wrapping can cause issues ?
Thanks in advance,
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