While taking a look at a change to the start up scripts I'm reminded on
what a PITA it is to get consistent behavior across platforms. There are
4 scripts, not including daemon style scripts, to launch WildFly. In
addition to the 4 scripts there are 4 I guess extension scripts. Any
change needed is likely needed in 4 of the files.
I've created an API to launch WildFly [1]. I'm proposing we could use
the API to launch WildFly. We could nix the *.conf and *.conf.bat files
and go to two properties files; a standalone.properties and a
domain.properties. The normal start up scripts would remain, but be
reduced to only setup essential environment variables and invoke a main
class in the launcher API[2]. Note this is by no means complete, just an
example of how it could be done.
If has any opinions on this let me know. It would allow making changes a
lot easier.
James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat