On 24 Nov 2014, at 17:48, David M. Lloyd wrote:
On 11/24/2014 10:40 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>> We do not do any agent funkyness afaik.
>>>> And as said the "workaround" so far have been "restart
it" and it
>>>> works.
>>>> zero changes to the state or arguments.
>>> okey so there been some new movement in this.
>>> Indicating there actually is a race condition if something pings
>>> the jvm
>>> via jmx during the startup
>>> *before* jboss main boot process manages to set the logmanager.
>>> Something that will happen because
>>> we actually have a feature that scans for locally running jvm's and
>>> attach an agent to gather info.
>>> Suggested workaround is to add this to our launch:
>>> -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
>>> -logging org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
>>> Question from us is, is the above workaround proper ? Will
>>> EAP/WildFly
>>> change their boot arguments to match to avoid this race condition
>>> issue
>>> for bat/sh launched servers too ?
>> No, there's a very good chance that will cause weird stuff to
>> happen,
>> like two copies of the log manager being installed. It may work,
>> mostly, but this is not a risk-free solution.
> Yeah, that was what I feared...btw. this is what the official
> recommendation is on the knowledge base article about this issue ;/
> But can you confirm that the issue is can and will happen if a remote
> process tries to install an agent and even if the agent has zero
> jboss
> logging usage
> that can somehow result in jboss logging getting activated before it
> has
> settings configured ?
> I'm just wondering what code actually is being invoked that needs
> this
> log manager when we are installing an agent very early in the start
> up
> phase ?
Conceptually we don't need or want our log manager to be installed
until we have something interesting to log. But, you only get one
chance to install the log manager, and the JVM initializes it whenever
it wants, so that's the basic summary of the problem. The only way to
"beat" the JVM is to get in there ahead of it.
You could theoretically dig in with reflection and swap out the log
manager after the fact, but then you'd also have to somehow swap out
all the loggers made with the original log manager, otherwise what
happens is some log messages just go missing.
Another option is to install some kind of "proxy" log manager that has
a facility to swap out all the backing loggers.
and I assume there are some reason why the logmanager don't have a
fallback default it will use until its fully configured ? (i.e. to
avoid this racecondition to result in full error/stopping of the server)