On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 11:48 AM Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 8:08 AM Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
WildFly 17 is scheduled for release three months after 16, continuing the
> quarterly cadence. Here are the key dates:
> - Fri, May 10 — PRs ready for merge for all features coming in via
> WildFly Core
> - Tue, May 14 — All features ready for merge
> - Wed, May 15 — WildFly 17 Beta. No new features after this date.
> - Fri, May 24 — All changes for WildFly Core ready
> - Tue, May 28 — All changes for WildFly ready
> - Thu, May 30 — WildFly 17 Final released
> Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update on the schedule. We released a WildFly
17.0.0.Alpha1 last night. Get it at
https://wildfly.org/downloads/! This
has the bulk of the new functionality we expect in WildFly 17, but there
are a few more significant component upgrades and related features we want
to get in. We want all such things in WildFly's beta releases so we decided
to defer the beta and call yesterday's release an alpha.
I don't expect it to take long to get the remaining items, so I expect
we'll release WildFly 17.0.0.Beta1 late next week. The WildFly
17.0.0.Final date should then be two weeks after that, give or take a day.
I'll post with the specific code freeze dates and release date for the
final release once the beta goes out. But a reasonable prediction is May 31
for changes to WildFly Core and June 4 for changes to WildFly full.
I was on holidays so this is a bit past due... James Perkins released
WildFly 17.0.0.Beta1 last Friday; thanks James! Here are the remaining
schedule dates for WF 17:
- Fri May 31 -- All changes for WildFly Core ready
- Tue Jun 4 -- Upgrade WildFly Core version in WildFly
- Wed Jun 5 -- All changes for WildFly ready
- Mon Jun 10 -- WildFly 17 Final released
Best regards,