Yes there is a blank installation to compute the diff( model and filesystem). The
filesystem diff is not specific to WildFly/EAP and happens
in the general scope.
The 'wildfly' part is about the deletion of files only.
The demo is more about creating a customized 'image' of your installation that you
can replicate.
This comes from the initial goal which was to update an instance.
Maybe we should be using the migration tool from the wildfly plugin to upgrade an
instance, this is worth more discussions and tests.
But if I want to upgrade from 6.4 to 7.0 with the deployment my_super_application.war this
would be handled automatically as the application
would be part of the feature pack and would simply be replaced with the new one during the
upgrade and the configuration changes would be
'migrated' thought the legacy subsystem or the new handlers.