On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 4:27 AM, Romain Pelisse <belaran(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Brian (and all),
I honestly understand your resistance, and I'm completely fine if we end
up closing this all issue as WONTDO or REJECTED. I just do want to have a
discussion about it and come back with clear reasons and motivations for
changing or not the privileges of each of those files.
Thanks for doing this! There have been a number of issues filed over the
last year or so on this general topic so I'm very happy to see them getting
addressed here via the WildFly community. Most of the issues I've been
talking about are JBEAP issues in JIRA, which is fine, but the best way to
get this solid is to get WildFly the way we want it first.
Even on the config file read perms thing I mentioned in my last post, I'm
personally resistant to changing it, but my biggest resistance is to doing
that without a full community discussion.
Given that we see different things on our local setup, I think the
will be to use a build on a CI Server and works from what we see there. Is
there an easy way for me to clone a job building Wildfly and tweak it on
some (publicly) accessible instance ?
describes how to get a zip built
from a daily CI job.
If anyone has any insights on this, please speak up!
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:48 PM, Brian Stansberry <
brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> A slightly different topic, related to the "logging.properties/xml config
> file" topic is whether these files should be world and/or group readable.
> Changing this has been proposed in the past on the EAP side, primarily
> based on the argument that users could put sensitive data in these files.
> This thread seems like a good time to debate this a bit in community.
> I've resisted that primarily on the basis of:
> 1) These files or those similarly used have had these perms as far back
> as I can find in JBoss AS. So the odds that some people are relying upon
> those perms is fairly high and we need to assume a change would be a
> breaking change for some people.
> 2) Other software I've looked at like Tomcat and httpd have similar
> permission schemes to what we have for their config files, which can also
> potentially include sensitive data.
> 3) We provide facilities like the vault or elytron credential store refs
> for keeping sensitive data out of the config files.
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Brian Stansberry <
> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Romain.
>> Re: what the actual permissions are, FWIW I get what I see on both my
>> macbook and my Fedora 27 machine, both when unzipping the actual
>> 11.0.0.Final and when unzipping the result of a build of master, and both
>> with and without the -Prelease -Pjboss-release args to maven that we
>> include when doing actual releases. Unzipping the zip in build/target
>> doesn't include the jars of course.
>> So it sounds like we need input from others.
>> Re: modules.xml, if you are seeing those as rw-r--r-- as well, then +1
>> to ignoring them in further discussion.
>> Re: logging.properties, those serve a very similar conceptual role to
>> the standalone|host|domain.xml files so I see no reason for them to have
>> different perms. However, you and I are getting different results, where
>> you report them as group writable and I don't. What do you see for the xml
>> config files?
>> Re: RPM changing to match WildFly, that's an EAP discussion, so that can
>> be taken up elsewhere once we have WildFly the way we want it.
>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 4:11 AM, Romain Pelisse <belaran(a)redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian and all,
>>> err, my own observation differs from yours. I've rebuild Wildfly from
>>> the last content of the master branch and get the same privileges on the
>>> jboss-modules.jar (so -rw-rw-r-- and not as you are seeing rwxr--r--).
>>> Same with the domain folder, which turns out on my local system associated
>>> to 'drwxrwxr-x.' and not 'rwxr-xr-x' as you are seeing). See
below for a
>>> transcript of what I did - maybe you can spot why our results differs so
>>> much.
>>> $ git show
>>> commit 46e119c65d9e32bc0ec69f3933267fece959ed3f
>>> Merge: 051f080 c7d9075
>>> Author: Kabir Khan <kkhan(a)redhat.com>
>>> Date: Tue Nov 28 17:46:40 2017 +0000
>>> Merge pull request #10669 from praxeo/WFLY-9284
>>> WFLY-9284 Correct MVN env variable to mvnw.cmd
>>> $ unzip ./build/target/wildfly-12.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT.zip -d
>>> wildfly-12.zip
>>> ...
>>> $ ls -l wildfly-12.zip/wildfly-12.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/jboss-modules.jar
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 403683 30 nov. 11:41
>>> wildfly-12.zip/wildfly-12.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/jboss-modules.jar
>>> $ ls -l wildfly-12.zip/wildfly-12.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/domain/ -d
>>> drwxrwxr-x. 5 rpelisse rpelisse 4096 30 nov. 11:41
>>> wildfly-12.zip/wildfly-12.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/domain/
>>> Checking all the jars in the distribution, they all appears to have the
>>> mask '-rw-rw-r--':
>>> $ for jar in $(find dist/ -name *.jar); do ls -l "${jar}" ; done |
>>> -e '/-rw-rw-r--/d'
>>> $
>>> Regarding properties files, here is the exhaustive list of properties
>>> that RPM packaging has modified the privileges of:
>>> appclient/configuration/logging.properties rw-------
>>> domain/configuration/application-roles.properties rw-------
>>> domain/configuration/default-server-logging.properties rw-------
>>> domain/configuration/logging.properties rw-------
>>> domain/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties rw-------
>>> standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties rw-------
>>> standalone/configuration/logging.properties rw-------
>>> standalone/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties rw-------
>>> If I compare that with the content of the extract zip (same fresh built
>>> as above), I can see that 4 files are not having the same mask (rw------):
>>> $ for file in $(cut -f1 -d\ ../../../list-props-files.txt ); do ls -l
>>> $file ; done
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2314 30 nov. 11:41
>>> appclient/configuration/logging.properties
>>> -rw-------. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 710 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/application-roles.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 1528 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/default-server-logging.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2328 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/logging.properties
>>> -rw-------. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 669 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties
>>> -rw-------. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 711 30 nov. 11:41
>>> standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2395 30 nov. 11:41
>>> standalone/configuration/logging.properties
>>> -rw-------. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 669 30 nov. 11:41
>>> standalone/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties
>>> Now, as you said, those files privileges are indeed fine-grained, so
>>> maybe we can push back to people making the RPM for them to NOT change the
>>> following files privileges:
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2314 30 nov. 11:41
>>> appclient/configuration/logging.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 1528 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/default-server-logging.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2328 30 nov. 11:41
>>> domain/configuration/logging.properties
>>> -rw-rw-r--. 1 rpelisse rpelisse 2395 30 nov. 11:41
>>> standalone/configuration/logging.properties
>>> However, I don't see the value of letting those files accessible either
>>> group member or any user on the system, but maybe we can make the argument
>>> they should. But the write privileges for group member sounds wrong to me.
>>> Also, I'm puzzled Brian and I are seeing different things - am I
>>> looking at the correct zipfile here ?
>>> Note: You also mention the module.xml - as far as I can see from the
>>> diff provided with issue JBEAP-12374, I don't see any issue with
>>> regarding those files, so we can remove them of the discussion. The only
>>> changes we need to discuss is removing the 'write' privileges'
for the
>>> group on jars, reducing the scope of permissions on (some) folders, and
>>> privileges on (some) properties files. So, module.xml are out of the scope.
>>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Brian Stansberry <
>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Seems I forgot to "Reply to All" yesterday. The following was
meant to
>>>> be sent to wildfly-dev.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Brian Stansberry <
>>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Before getting into the specifics, first a general note re: perms.
>>>>> Our general permission set for is rwxr-xr-x for directories and
>>>>> rwxr--r-- for files. If someone thinks that's wrong in general;
speak up.
>>>>> ;). Otherwise I think any deviation from that we should justify. Not
>>>>> deviations are wrong, just that they need to have a reason.
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:12 AM, Romain Pelisse
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, the diff is between the RPM and the zipfile is pretty
>>>>>> but it boils down to the 3 set of differences I've pointed
out on
>>>>>> WFLY-9574: <
>>>>>> - *.properties and .jar* files are associated with the mask
>>>>>> rw-rw-r-- giving access to it to any other users and allowing
group member
>>>>>> to modify the file - the RPM distribution fixes that by
removing the write
>>>>>> privileges for the group (rw-r--r--). I personnaly don't
see the value of
>>>>>> letting the group members modify those files, I just can see
how this could
>>>>>> be exploited, so I would say it falls into "clearly wrong
and not our
>>>>>> intent". A case might be made for the .properties files,
but for jars file
>>>>>> I really don't see a valid use case (unless of course, any
of you know one)
>>>>>> ;
>>>>>> There are a few different things here, so let's deal with
>>>>> separately.
>>>>> For jars, with an unzip of wildfly-11.0.0.Final.zip, I see them as
>>>>> rwxr--r--. Which seems correct to me. In case I'm seeing
something wrong, I
>>>>> don't see why they should vary from the general standard. And
>>>>> module.xml file should be consistent, since there's not much
point in
>>>>> locking people from touching jars but letting them change what jars
>>>>> loaded.
>>>>> For properties files, let's consider them on a more fine-grained
>>>>> basis. For example, the properties files used by the security realms
>>>>> different kinds of data than logging.properties does.
>>>>> The perms on the security realm property files are rw-------, not
>>>>> rw-rw-r--.
>>>>> The logging.properties files are rw-r--r-- which is consistent with
>>>>> the domain|host|standalone.xml files and with the general standard.
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> - *some directories* like 'domain/tmp/auth' have too
>>>>>> mask like rwx------ and RPMS to turned them into rwxrwxr-x
(that I don't
>>>>>> really agree with) and
>>>>>> - *other directories*, likes 'domain' have again a
>>>>>> permissive mask rwxrwxr-x (should be rwxr-xr-x) - and this
IMHO, make
>>>>>> senses.
>>>>>> In the unzip I see these directories as rwxr-xr-x, which I think
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> Are you concerned with any other directories besides
>>>>> $JBOSS_HOME/domain and $JBOSS_HOME/standalone?
>>>>>> So we need to find an agreement on those three items, and then
>>>>>> how we proceed to implement the fix (if needed).
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 10:00 PM, Brian Stansberry <
>>>>>> brian.stansberry(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think we need to start with the assumption that the
>>>>>>> we have in the zip are the way they are for a reason and
evaluate possible
>>>>>>> changes based on discussion here of each type of change.
Maybe the RPM
>>>>>>> settings are better, maybe they are not. Or maybe they are
better but the
>>>>>>> improvement is not worth the disruption a change may cause to
our end
>>>>>>> users, who may rely on the current zip settings. Or maybe
what we have in
>>>>>>> the zip is clearly wrong and doesn't follow our own
intent. I expect we'll
>>>>>>> probably see a little of each category, although hopefully
some changes for
>>>>>>> WF 11 removed the "clearly wrong and doesn't follow
our intent" cases. :)
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Romain Pelisse
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> As reported on JBEAP-12374[1], there is some
discrepancies between
>>>>>>>> the ZIP file we provided for Widlfy/EAP and the RPM
generate. Most of those
>>>>>>>> discrepancies - or the most relevant ones, are some fine
tuning performed
>>>>>>>> on the (POSIX) privileges (things such as removing the
write privilege for
>>>>>>>> member of the same group as the owner of the file).
>>>>>>>> I've looked into this and because those files are
produced by our
>>>>>>>> own Maven plugin (as part of wildfly-build-tools), we can
not simply modify
>>>>>>>> the assembly.xml. Which actually is probably for the
best, as it would made
>>>>>>>> the assembly file quite cumbersome.
>>>>>>>> Anyhow, I've worked on a proposal[2] for the
>>>>>>>> but when I reported the problem on WFLY-9574[3], Brian
suggested I started
>>>>>>>> a discussion here. So does anyone have a (strong) opinion
about this issue
>>>>>>>> and/or how to resolve it ? :)
>>>>>>>> (For the record, I do think it is best to fix the
privileges to
>>>>>>>> follow what the RPM does for us for now, but if you feel
this issue should
>>>>>>>> not be addressed, and dev- the issue, I'm certainly
not opposed to it
>>>>>>>> either).
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> wildfly-dev mailing list
>>>>>>>> wildfly-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Brian Stansberry
>>>>>>> Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
>>>>>>> Red Hat
>>>>> --
>>>>> Brian Stansberry
>>>>> Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
>>>>> Red Hat
>>>> --
>>>> Brian Stansberry
>>>> Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
>>>> Red Hat
>> --
>> Brian Stansberry
>> Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
>> Red Hat
> --
> Brian Stansberry
> Manager, Senior Principal Software Engineer
> Red Hat