On 8/6/2013 11:42 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
On 06/08/13 14:32, ssilvert(a)redhat.com wrote:
> On 8/6/2013 8:54 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>> On 06/08/13 13:37, Bartosz Baranowski wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Darran Lofthouse" <darran.lofthouse(a)jboss.com>
>>>> To: wildfly-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 2:31:22 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [wildfly-dev] JConsole plugin - fallback and query for
management address
>>>> On 06/08/13 13:27, Bartosz Baranowski wrote:
>>>>> What is weird( I might be missing some important piece of intel here)
>>>>> why there is check against jboss remoting?
>>> This one:
>>> if (mbeanServerConn instanceof RemotingMBeanServerConnection) {
>> The purpose of that check is to see if we already have a Remoting
>> connection established to the server for JMX, if so the same connection
>> can be used for the management connection.
>> That is one of the reasons I am not a fan of just opening a Remoting
>> connection automatically - if they chose to use Remoting we make use of
>> that same connection for two different purposes - if they choose not to
>> use Remoting we open a Remoting connection anyway. But a 'Connect'
>> button on the CLI tab would take care of that.
> Instead of a connect button on the CLI tab, I'd rather see something
> like this:
> if (remoting connection exists) {
> use existing connection
> } else {
> display CLI connection dialog
> }
> The connection dialog would have the defaults already filled in. Since
> those defaults are almost always what you want, you have only cost the
> user a single click. The dialog can also contain a "Don't use CLI"
> button. Then the CLI the tab won't be displayed.
I was kind of thinking this dialogue could be built into the tab so
until they switch to the tab they don't even need to think about the CLI
but overall don't have a strong view about that.
If you build it into the main
CLI GUI code then you are asking for a
little more work. I'd love to see CLI GUI have a connection management
UI. There is a lot you could do in that area. I guess it just depends
on how much time Bartosz wants to spend.
With the dialog, it's just a simple addition to the jconsole plugin. It
doesn't affect the rest of CLI GUI.
Whichever way I agree in a dialogue that is a pre-populated as possible.
> Bonus points if you detect the existence of jboss-cli.xml and get your
> defaults from there.
>>>> What check are you referring to?
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