Perhaps. I'm a bit bit reluctant to move away from something powerful
and standard to something custom. Mostly because it's hard to move the
other way in the future while remaining compatible. But your point is
well taken.
How would you propose discriminating these cases?
1) /subsystem=messaging is not allowed but its children are.
2) /subsystem=messaging and its children are.
We also need to think about ObjectName patterns, which are not
inherently hierarchical.
On 4/23/16 1:38 AM, Ladislav Thon wrote:
I only have a single comment: writing a regular expression can
be a bit tricky. Just see the example you used:
> (/profile=[^/]+)??/subsystem=logging(/.*)*
It's also fairly easy to write a regular expression that doesn't quite
do what you want it to do, in some corner cases. Finally, some
well-crafted regular expressions have running time in years or more (at
least in the java.util.regex implementation).
This all leads me to believe that maybe regular expressions are not the
best choice.
Instead, I'm thinking about address prefixes. So the role would be
specified by a set of valid addresses (including the "*" wildcard), and
only the specified resources and all their children would be accessible.
I'm specifically not thinking about _textual_ prefix, so e.g. prefix of
/subsystem=messaging would give you access to the old messaging
subsystem, but it _wouldn't_ give you access to the new
/subsystem=messaging-activemq, even if /subsystem=messaging is a textual
Granted, that's way less powerful than regular expressions, but also
easier and safer to use.
WDYT? Am I being too paranoid here?
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Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat