Sorry, I don't understand the problem. Are you saying
InitialContext.lookup(String) and InitialContext.lookup(Name) for the
same JNDI name aren't behaving the same? If yes, then how exactly are
you constructing the Name instance that you pass to the lookup method?
On Tuesday 03 September 2013 05:15 PM, Bartosz Baranowski wrote:
Hey guys.
There seems to be inconsistency in GenericURLContext wrt how it handles lookup. This
breaks lookups done from AS7/Wfly. Said lookup methods [1] & [2].
The wrongdoer is code in GenericURLContext(so this probably has impact on all URL
In case of argument like "rmi://" there are two different
If [2] is invoked with above argument it works as expected. It goes down into
getURLContext which parse URL part: "rmi://"
create proper stub( according to URL part ) and gives back ResolveResult.
After above, it nicely asks ResolveResult for context and "remainingName" [4] -
in this case, its last bit of original URL: "jmxrmi". This call does not fail.
However if the [1] is used, it goes wrong. Lookup method calls
"getContinuationContext" which strips part of URL and call lookup(String) with
only "rmi:" [5].
This creates URL stub with default values( in case of RMI for instance ) since
implementation assume that if there is no host:port pair, it sets
those values to localhost:1090(which may be different in URL).
This leads to [6] ( since context lookup on remainingName does not give result ). The
suffix, which is argument of this call has three parts
Trick is that object on which [6] is invoked takes only first part of this name, which is
empty string. Code which does that [7]. This results in exception which indicates
that URL is not accessible, while the lookup(String) will return valid object.
Initial stack trace for [1]:
rmiURLContext.getRootURLContext(String, Hashtable) line: 63
rmiURLContext(GenericURLContext).lookup(String) line: 200
rmiURLContext(GenericURLContext).getContinuationContext(Name) line: 192
rmiURLContext(GenericURLContext).lookup(Name) line: 213
InitialContext.lookup(Name, boolean) line: 112
Current wildfly code calls the lookup(Name) method[8], which will fail as described
above. This PR [9] has testcase which reproduce problem.
Im not quite sure if we can wait for JDK fix( if ever ) since this piece of code is
present in JDK7 and 6. Either this piece of code in WFLY remains as is, failing for non
localhost:1090 or
there will be nasty Name.toString() in WFLY InitialContext impl( as in [9]).
Any thoughts on this?
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