Actually, let me expand on Simon's request, since this is something I've
wanted to have from WF: sub-extensions to extensions (or sub-subsystems).
For this particular use-case, a way for an extension (an Infinispan
Cache Store) to declare that it is a child of another extension
(Infinispan). The child extension would be responsible for
parsing/serializing its own section of the XML, service registration, etc.
Is this planned ?
On 08/10/2015 15:29, Tomaž Cerar wrote:
On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 11:12 PM, Simon Paulger <spaulger(a)
<>> wrote:
I just want to re-iterate this to try and get it ready for the final
Wildfly 10 release. In order to make Redis integration, what changes
should I be making? In particular;
You are too late to get any new feature to 10, CRx build are just
bugfixes of existing stuff and no new features are being added anymore.
1. xml reader/writer - should I be adding redis-store as a concrete
xml tag?
2. persistence pom updates to add the redis jar dependency
3. xsd documentation updates
4. module configurations
5. jboss-cli - do I need to add a redis-store type to a cache
6. web management console - again redis-store type to a cache
1,3,5&6 are basically the same thing, you need to add support for
redis-store to infinispan subsystem.
When that is done correctly, cli is done as well.
And once CLI part is done, you can access same stuff via mgmt REST api
which console uses.
In most cases console doesn't need changes for extra fields / resources,
but if it does,
you can send change to HAL project once all of the previous points are
done and change is merged in WildFly master
for general docs about extending WildFly itself look at
1 - 3 are done, 4 is in progress, however I am unclear on how to
make 5 and 6 (can't find the code locations), and I also want steer
on whether a concrete store type is needed or if the custom store
should be the way to go, in which case I think only pom updates and
module config is required.
wildfly-dev mailing list
Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat