While investigating a jira (
I tried to make a minimalist jboss-application xml, and it had a really
strange validation error:
cvc-complex-type.3.1: Value '7.0' of attribute 'version' of element
'jboss-app' is not valid with respect to the corresponding attribute
use. Attribute 'version' has a fixed value of '6'.
When I dug into the current jboss-app_7_0.xsd to see what was going on
I saw the following:
<!-- Import the Java EE6 xsd -->
<!-- Include the common JBoss EE elements -->
<xs:include schemaLocation="jboss-common_6_0.xsd"/>
Shouldn't this be pulling from application_7.xsd at least? Also we
don't seem to have a jboss-common_7_0.xsd. So these version
inconsistancies are really angering the eclipse validator.
Is there anything that can be done here at all? It really seems our
schema have this recurring problem of not validating in eclipse, and
often times it seems the problems lead back to our very own schema as
the cause. It ends up causing errors in eclipse and our users get very
confused why all our example projects or snippets of xml on redhat
access often fail to validate.
- Rob Stryker