That should not be there, it is not stable enough yet!
For same reason we removed it from default shipped configs before
In any case it is just warn and should not effect application deployed
beyond redundant logs.
Tomaz From: Scott Marlow
Sent: 12.4.2014 21:17
To: Jason Greene
Cc: wildfly-dev(a)
Subject: Re: [wildfly-dev] Failed to persist sessions: at undeploy time
shows what we are using and that we do have
"<persistent-sessions path="persistent-web-sessions"
On 04/12/2014 03:15 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
It looks like it does:
<persistent-sessions path="persistent-web-sessions"
We should pull that out. It’s a development feature, and it’s reliant on everything that
is put in the session is serializable which is not strictly required. It’s odd though why
it would intermittently fail. It should be deterministic.
On Apr 12, 2014, at 2:11 PM, Jason Greene <jason.greene(a)> wrote:
> Does the TCK config have this in it, under the undertow servlet section?:
> <persistent-sessions/>
> On Apr 12, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)> wrote:
>> I'm running some tests with WildFly 8.0.1 master branch and seeing an
>> intermittent failure. Any ideas why might be
>> occurring? I see a number of these errors during an EJB test. It is
>> possible that this error is expected, I'm not sure.
>> Scott
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> Jason T. Greene
> WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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