Hi Experts,
I had a couple of tries with OpenShift and WildFly to spin up a simple application (the
EAP quickstart `cmt`). I installed `crc` [1] to run OpenShift locally and `oc` [2] to
control it.
What I tried so far:
* Employ wildfly-centos7 [3] directly and then spin up a new-app with the command `oc
https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart.git --context-dir=cmt
--image=quay.io/wildfly/wildfly-centos7 --env SERVER_CONFIGURATION=standalone-full.xml`
* Build the WFLY image from "scratch" and then spin up a new-app with the env
variable `--env SERVER_CONFIGURATION=standalone-full.xml`...more or less what it is
suggested in [4] but adding the env variable, i.e. `oc new-app wildfly-quickstart/cmt -e
SERVER_CONFIGURATION=standalone-full.xml` (where wildfly-quickstart is the OpenShift
project I am using)
In both cases, I get very close to success but what does not work is `--env
SERVER_CONFIGURATION=standalone-full.xml`. My WildFly server gets set up with
standalone.xml, which is not enough for my quickstart.
As a side note, I can see `SERVER_CONFIGURATION=standalone-full.xml` among the environment
variables of the WFLY pod. I also ran a couple of experiments playing with
`JAVA_OPTS_APPEND=-Djboss.server.default.config=standalone-full.xml`) but it did not
So my questions would be:
* Is there a different way to pass env variables when applications are created? If that is
the case, would it be worth mentioning it here [5]?
* Have I missed something else?