On 1/27/2014 6:02 PM, Jason Greene wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:40 PM, John Mazzitelli <mazz(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Is there an example somewhere of getting access to the mgmt api from a
>>> deployed servlet app? I'd like to be able to manage subsystem
>>> configuration and store it (within standalone.xml or whatever).
>> You can take a look at RHQ's DMR client library. It was written to be a
generic DMR client to access the mgmt API.
>> Obtain a ModelControllerClient "somehow" (see MCCHelper, for example)
and pass it to the constructor for the different types of clients
(DatasourceJBossASClient, CoreJBossASClient, SecurityDomainJBossASClient, etc, etc)
>> Then there is my blog from 2012 that talks about getting a co-located
ModelControllerClient that may be of help:
>> Anyway, the code in those places can serve as examples that you are asking for.
We do use these from within servlets and EJBs running in EAP 6.
> There are some caveats to this though:
> 1. You can’t make a management call during the call patch of deployment (servlet
initializers etc), since deployment itself is part of a management call, and thus you will
deadlock trying to start a parallel modification (until the op triggering the deployment
times out). A runtime thread is fine though.
> 2. You won’t get responses on things which impact your deployment or the servlet
container (e.g. redeploying yourself or downing the container)
> 3. Role based access control is defeated, all management ops will appear to come from
the container itself.
> 4. Due to 3 if someone is running WildFly under a security manager you will need
This is for bootstrap purposes for getting a Wildfly instance to join a
Keycloak federation. I want the Keycloak server to be able to send
realm configuration information to a Wildfly instance (over HTTP(S))
that is joining the federation and have that instance store this
information within a subsystem. So, it is a one off service that
happens after boot and may even be disabled afterwards.
This can't be done using the HTTP management interface?
Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat