Using eap-6.1 and AS7 some have discussed making all private jar files
"provided" in the maven pom.xml of a app project and then declaring them as
dependencies (in jboss-deployment-structure.xml) to explicitly have jboss
add them to the classpath of the deployed WAR or EAR (effectively shared
libs used from the jboss server but not EE related libs) with the added
benefit of reducing size of the EAR / WAR files.
ex: commons-io from base/system...
Others have discussed using JBoss for just the EE implementation that is is
selected to provide with any non-EE specific libs needing to be either
bundled into the EAR/WAR or put in a company build shared library set.
Further explicitly excluding the non-private modules (like log4j which can
have issues being shared based on the use of statics and threadlocal
variables) that are implicitly part of the classpath.
Another item to address is the situation where a project implicitly uses the
jboss provided jar X and the public maven jar Y which both have a transitive
dependency on some common jar Z. This resulting in X bringing in
Z-1.2.4-redhat-2 (from the Jboss maven repo) and Y bringing in Z-1.2.? (from
the internet)
What is the JBoss perspective on the above items and best practices?
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