On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 2:19 PM Cheng Fang <cfang(a)redhat.com> wrote:
The current WildFly project contains both wildfly-client-all
(client/shade), and wildfly-client-all-jakarta
(ee-9/source-transform/client/shade). Now that WildFly has migrated to
Jakarta EE 10, we should migrate the submodule itself and remove the module
from the source transformer.
In WFLY-16881 <
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-16881>;, I plan to
drop this source transformation submodule, and make the
standard wildfly-client-all module to support Jakarta EE 10 API.
So after dropping the source transformation, there will be no artifact
named wildfly-client-all-jakarta produced from WildFly build. Instead,
wildfly-client-all submodule will produce wildfly-client-all artifact that
supports Jakarta EE 10 API and related artifacts.
If you know of any components or projects rely on a
wildfly-client-all-jakarta artifact, or a legacy wildfly-client-all
artifact from current WildFly build, please discuss here.
Thanks for checking. I looked in the wildfly/boms and wildfly/quickstarts
projects and it's not used there.
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Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP