Hi Thomas,
I wonder if the report for WildFly Core is properly using its `main` branch.
Some reported versions have already been upgraded (e.g. io.undertow:undertow-core, slf4j
that I did last week).
There might be a similar misconfiguration for the WildFly (Full) report that has switched
to using `main` as its default branch too.
Best regards,
On 5 Sep 2021, at 10:50, JBossAS <thofman(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Component Upgrade Report
Following repositories were searched:
• Central
• JBossPublic
Possible Component Upgrades
GAV New Version Repository Since
io.undertow:undertow-core:2.2.8.Final 2.2.10.Final Central 2021-08-15
org.jboss.invocation:jboss-invocation:1.6.0.Final 1.6.3.Final Central 2021-08-08
org.wildfly.galleon-plugins:wildfly-config-gen:5.2.0.Final 5.2.2.Beta2 Central 2021-08-08
org.wildfly.legacy.test:wildfly-legacy-spi:6.0.0.Final 6.0.1.Final Central 2021-08-01
org.jboss.logmanager:log4j-jboss-logmanager:1.2.0.Final 1.2.2.Final Central 2021-07-25
org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.30 1.7.32 Central 2021-07-25
org.wildfly.security:wildfly-elytron-asn1:1.16.0.Final 1.16.1.Final Central 2021-07-25
org.jboss.msc:jboss-msc:1.4.12.Final 1.4.13.Final Central 2021-07-04
org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.68 1.69 Central 2021-06-13
xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.0.SP03 2.12.1 Central 2021-01-10
10 items
Generated on 2021-09-05
Report generated by Maven Dependency Updater
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Jeff Mesnil
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat