the latter - it is about the warp extension. As it's sub repository
contains no real issues and 0 discussions, I was not sure whether it is
monitored at all.
I will start struggling with it the next few days/weeks and will send a
pull request as soon as I have something ready. If there are questions,
might I come back here?
Best regards
Am 13.02.23 um 15:39 schrieb Cheng Fang:
Hi Wolfgang,
If your issue is about wildfly/wildfly-arquillian: The Wildfly
Arquillian adaptor <
then this is something WildFly team can help with.
If it's about arquillian/arquillian-extension-warp: Warp fills the
void between client-side and server-side testing
https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-extension-warp>;, I suggest
follow up with that project's issue and discussion. If your proposed
change is relatively small, then just send the PR for review directly.
> On Feb 12, 2023, at 4:33 AM, Wolfgang Knauf <wolfgang.knauf(a)gmx.de>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> is this the right place to ask about making Arquillian changes? I found
> a "Discussions" group in the Arquillian github repo, but it seems dead:
> I would like to make the Arquillian Warp extension Java 11 compatible
> (
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ARQ-2216 and
https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-core/discussions/455). But
> before sending a pull request, I want to check whether there is a chance
> to get this pull request accepted or whether the extension is considered
> dead.
> Also, the extension needs changes to be JakartaEE10 compatible.
> Best regards
> Wolfgang
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