Clear and simple. Very good explained.
El 18/02/2014 04:44, "Stuart Douglas" <stuart.w.douglas(a)>
I write up a quick FAQ about the differences:
On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Jaromir Hamala <jaromir.hamala(a)>wrote:
> Hi Tomaz,
> thanks for your reply. Both oranges are apple are nice & tasty fruit, but
> I understand your point!
> Cheers,
> Jaromir
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Tomaž Cerar <tomaz.cerar(a)>wrote:
>> Hey Jaromir,
>> This is deep implementation detail but basically it is comparing apples
>> to oranges.
>> Anyhow questions like this about Undertow core implementation would be
>> best answered on undertow-dev mailing list.
>> --
>> tomaz
>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Jaromir Hamala <
>> jaromir.hamala(a)> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> first of all: Congratulations on the WildFly 8 release! I've been
>>> watching the development closely and I'm very excited to get my hands
>>> with it!
>>> There is one thing I don't quite understand: What is a relation between
>>> the Netty and Undertow? My understanding is they have very similar goals
>>> yet the Undertow is a completely different project. What have been the main
>>> drivers to write the Undertow from scratch for WildFly rather than bulding
>>> on top of Netty?
>>> I apologize if this is a wrong mailing-list; I appreciate if you could
>>> point me to a better direction!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jara
>>> --
>>> “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but
>>> when there is nothing left to take away.”
>>> Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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> --
> “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when
> there is nothing left to take away.”
> Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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