I have configured a Wildfly (teiid) cluster with a master and slave node
where master and slave resides in two different hosts. so far I have used
IP addresses of the hosts for 'management IP', 'public IP', 'unsecure
and in the slave host controller to resolve the master from the slave. This
is working fine.
But I need to use load balancers in front of my hosts. So I have configured
a load balancer infront of each host and mapped load balancer 8080,
9990,9999 ports to my hosts port so that cluster can communicate using load
balancer URLs. Then I go ahead and gave my load balancer URLs in the
'management IP', 'public IP', 'unsecure IP' and in the slave host
controller to resolve the master from the slave. But slave is unable to
connect to master using the master load balancer URL. It logs the following
msgs on the console.
WARN [org.jboss.as.host.controller] (Controller Boot Thread)
WFLYHC0001: Could not connect to remote domain controller
-- java.net.ConnectException: WFLYPRT0023: Could not connect to
The connection timed out
My slave configuration looks like following
<!-- Alternative remote domain controller configuration with a
host and port -->
<remote protocol="remote" host="internal-**************master
<interface name="management">
elb*************.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com}" />
<interface name="public">
elb************.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com}" />
<interface name="unsecured">
<inet-address value="internal-*********************slave
elb**********.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com" />
I can successfully telnet to load balancer ports using load balancer URLs.
so they are configured properly. Any ideas on how to use load balancer URLs
for clustering in Wildfly.
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