I am no expert on <otherwise>, but I think that it has no context of
what was found.
In other words, you are trying to apply <hint>, but Windup doesn't know
what to apply it to. The file is only "known" in the scope of nested
<when> and in <perform> .
Again, that's my guess, someone more knowledgable may confirm or not.
If I am right, then you could either do a nested <perform><iteration>:
The first would find {*}Tag.java, the nested <when> would find the
pattern, or not:
<rule id="TagLib release">
<filename pathPattern="{*}Tag.java" as="file"/>
<filecontent pattern="release" fileref="file"
<hint message="C7.1 : No release in Tag"
effort="4" />
This won't work, we don't have <filename> and <filecontent>
doesn't have fileref.
A chance for you to submit a Jira :)
On 22.5.2015 12:14, Gilles Bardouillet wrote:
I wrote an XML rule with an action specified in "otherwise" part, but
the action is not launched when the condition is false :-(
Here is my rule :
<rule id="TagLib release">
<filecontent pattern="release"
filename="{*}Tag.java" />
<hint message="C7.1 : No release in Tag"
effort="4" />
In overview panel, this xml rule is converted in
.perform(new NoOp()
withId("TagLib release")
It seems that "otherwise" action disappeared !
Any tip ?
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