I'm trying to port an application that is currently hosted on Websphere 8.5
running on JDK 1.7 to JBoss EAP 6.4. I downloaded and installed Windup and tested with
default provided ear file conversion, things worked fine, however, if I try to run through
my app, I get zero story points for one app and for another app, I get only one story
point. When windup runs, I see that websphere rules gets executed but still no results. I
also tried to explode one of the war file and run through windup, it did not go through
the files under WEB-INF/classes directory. I have created the issue in JIRA as well
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUP-567 &
https://developer.jboss.org/message/926645#926645 ) . I can open the ear file and start
double checking against the windup results but before that I just want to check with you
for any additional hints or installation verification steps.
Thanks for your time,