Alpha 11 - Are you ready?
by Juraci Paixão Kröhling
Now that BTM is integrated and the fixes from Alpha 10 are fixed, we are
ready to release Alpha 11.
Besides BTM, a couple of people asked for other features/fixes to be
included in Alpha 11. So, if you still have something pending that you'd
like to see on Alpha 11, do let me know. If nothing is said until Monday
morning (CET/UTC), I'll go ahead and start releasing components for
Alpha 11.
As there were changes in the Commons package, we'll probably need to
release all components. The planned schedule looks like this:
- Morning of Feb 29th, Monday: Parent, Commons and Accounts
- Afternoon of Feb 29th, Monday: Inventory, Metrics, BTM
- Morning of Mar 1st, Tuesday: Command Gateway, Agent, Alerts
- Afternoon of Mar 1st, Tuesday: Hawkular
Also, please do test the parts that concerns your work.
- Juca.
8 years, 10 months
ManageIQ / Hawkular - some questions
by Lucas Ponce
As commented in the IRC I am going to prepare some questions about the $SUBJECT.
I have spent a couple of days reviewing ruby and starting to look into ManageIQ architecture where Hawkular will be a Middleware provider.
Some my preliminar doubts (perhaps this was discussed in a different thread, so please, point me to that if I missed it):
* Where will be stored metrics and inventory ?
That info should live in the provider (owner of that information) and copied to ManageIQ repository ? Or on the contrary, ManageIQ will be the owner of that info and the provider is a technical cache.
* How information of the providers is collected ?
In some preliminary meeting I understood that agents or whatever mechanism that collects information of the middleware domain should be sent to the provider. Is this valid ? or the architecture is that in the future all agents should be managed directly into ManageIQ ?
I guess that this is some kind of hybrid architecture as there will be always external provider (thinking on Amazon or other domain) that is managed by ManageIQ but the provider is the owner of the info.
* Alerting
This perhaps brings to me as I have personal interest on this topic.
I see that ManageIQ has alerting features, so it can define alerts and group them in policies into resources in some way.
>From what I see and related with the previous information, who is the owner of the information ? provider or ManageIQ ?
I can see that ManageIQ can be the owner of alerts definitions but perhaps the provider can have their own pre-configured alerts and feed ManageIQ.
(I am thinking again in how this works for the Amazon model, I'm sure that Amazon cloud will have their own alerting definitions, perhaps an hybrid approach can be used here).
Also, I have the same doubt with Events, one of the major features of Hawkular Alerts was to manage events in a generic way, so, if the provider if the owner of the metrics/inventory it makes sense in a first approach that it can be the owner of some of middleware events (perhaps Events might have several meanings here, it happened to us in Hawkular and also with the ManageIQ integration that term should be revisit to be sure that we are talking about same concept).
* Roles
Are we going to provide strong role profiles ? for example a middleware role, that only can see the Middleware information without any access to cloud/infrastructure.
One of the feedbacks I have heard from people about Hawkular and with experience with OpenShift/CloudForms is the use of the API to personalize and automate powerful tasks (for example, feeding events generated by an application, not just for the container).
How API should work in this case ? All API should be proxied/routed by ManageIQ or accesing to the provider API is valid ? (Again, thinking on external providers like Amazon makes me wonder what is the goal of this).
I have more doubts (perhaps more related of the global architecture as I am not yet familiar with it) but I think these 5 topics are high level and it could help to understand better the context.
(Again, perhaps these ones are discussed/written in other thread, and are obvious, but I couldn't find them).
8 years, 10 months
[Inventory] Metric registration question - bug(?)
by Heiko W.Rupp
Hey Jirka and others
I am (in my IoT playground) [1]
creating a resource and then associating a metric
Now we have in Hawkular an experimental metric explorer.
That is not able to show the metric.
And not only in this case, but also for DataSources.
I wonder if we somewhere have a more general error that
prevents showing those?
Walk through with IRB and the RubyClient:
invclient ='http://localhost:8080/hawkular/inventory',creds)
=> ["73a5aad1-37e7-429a-834d-2aa324a079ba", "16617927", "esp16617927"]
rts = invclient.list_resource_types 'esp16617927'
=> [#<Hawkular::Inventory::ResourceType:0x007ff3a4652a08
@name="esp8266", @properties=nil,
"name"=>"esp8266", "id"=>"esp8266"}, @feed="esp16617927">]
rt = rts.first
=> [...]
res = invclient.list_resources_for_type 'esp16617927', 'esp8266', false
=> [#<Hawkular::Inventory::Resource:0x007ff3a467ca60
"name"=>"esp8266", "id"=>"esp8266"}, "name"=>"mcu16617927",
"id"=>"mcu16617927"}, @feed="esp16617927", @name="mcu16617927">]
2.2.1 :015 > invclient.list_metrics_for_resource res.first
=> [#<Hawkular::Inventory::Metric:0x007ff3a46a2800
"unit"=>"NONE", "type"=>"GAUGE", "collectionInterval"=>60,
"id"=>"thermo"}, "id"=>"16617927:"},
@feed="esp16617927", @type="GAUGE", @unit="NONE",
Now for platform stuff
res = invclient.list_resources_for_feed
r = res.first
=> #<Hawkular::Inventory::Resource:0x007ff3a59f2b30
"name"=>"Operating System", "id"=>"Operating System"},
invclient.list_metrics_for_resource r
=> []
res = invclient.list_child_resources r, true
=> [#<Hawkular::Inventory::Resource:0x007ff3a6f02e08
"name"=>"File Store", "id"=>"File Store"}, "name"=>"File Store [hwr]",
"name"=>"File Store", "id"=>"File Store"}, "name"=>"File Store
HD (/)",
"name"=>"File Store", "id"=>"File Store"}, "name"=>"File Store
[Macintosh HD (/)]",
HD (/)"}, @feed="73a5aad1-37e7-429a-834d-2aa324a079ba",
"name"=>"Memory", "id"=>"Memory"}, "name"=>"Memory",
"name"=>"Processor", "id"=>"Processor"}, "name"=>"Processor [1]",
"name"=>"Processor", "id"=>"Processor"}, "name"=>"Processor [0]",
"name"=>"Processor", "id"=>"Processor"}, "name"=>"Processor [3]",
"name"=>"Processor", "id"=>"Processor"}, "name"=>"Processor [2]",
> fs = res.first
=> #<Hawkular::Inventory::Resource:0x007ff3a6f02e08
"name"=>"File Store", "id"=>"File Store"}, "name"=>"File Store [hwr]",
2.2.1 :026 > invclient.list_metrics_for_resource fs
=> []
And for the Filestore 'hwr' I see metric data on the level of the
Appserver->Platform tab
8 years, 10 months
Performance Tests of Different Hawkular Inventory Backends
by Lukas Krejci
Hi all,
lately I've become really dissatisfied with how Inventory performed and
semi-publicly blamed Titan for that (because that was what looked like
the cause of all world's problems in my then uneducated eyes ;) ).
I decided to do some performance comparisons. Because we didn't want
Hawkular to ship with 2 different NoSQL backends (C* for metrics and
whatever else for Inventory), I chose an RDBMS as a good conservative
alternative (because people, IMHO, are still more comfortable dealing
with an RDBMS than with NoSQL databases).
Currently, inventory is written against the graph DSL called Gremlin
(from Tinkerpop 2.6.0). Fortunately, there exists a "toy" SQL backend
for Tinkerpop 2 that we could try and see if it performed any good
(which would frankly be surprising, given the fact it stores the graph
data rather naively). With some luck, no code would have to be changed
on our side to see the results.
We had no such luck.
Making the inventory run with the SQL backend was literally a day worth
of work (if that) and the first preliminary tests showed that Inventory
with Postgres backend performed much much better that Titan with
embedded Cassandra. But the tests also uncovered some problems with the
way Inventory code handled transactions.
Fast forward 3 weeks and see large parts of Hawkular inventory updated
to correctly handle transactions. Now a single call to Inventory really
results in at most 1 transaction in the backend.
So, I went and re-ran the tests. Also, I refrained from using embedded
Cassandra and instead use a locally running 2-node cluster.
The results caught me by surprise. Not so much that the naive SQL
backend didn't perform particularly well, but the difference between the
performance of Titan before and after the transaction handling fixes.
To not keep you waiting any longer for the results: Titan + C* is the
For nice charts that include comparison to the old misbehaving impl, see:
Lukas Krejci
8 years, 10 months
gsoc 2016
by Alexandr Egorov
Hello all, i'd like to work with project as gsoc student and improve
android client, how much time i be able to work on project? What i need
firstly to begin to engage idea (fix bugs or write new module to existing
projects)? Have project any student info for better understanding how to
get started as gsoc student with project?
8 years, 10 months
What does that mean (console build)?
by Heiko W.Rupp
was trying to re-activate the exp-explorer branch on Hawkular for some
pet project.
Rebased onto current master and got this on a a mvn -Pdev clean install
in console
Any idea what this error wants to tell me?
[INFO] [22:48:22] Starting 'copy-vendor-fonts'...
[INFO] [22:48:22] git log -n 1 --pretty='%h' (log : false)
[INFO] [22:48:22] Finished 'git-sha' after 288 ms
[ERROR] throw new Error(errorMessage);
[ERROR] Error: Could not find the following rules specified in the
[ERROR] license-header
[ERROR] at Object.loadRules
[ERROR] at Linter.lint
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at respond
[ERROR] at respond
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at doNTCallback0 (node.js:419:9)
[ERROR] at process._tickCallback (node.js:348:13)
8 years, 10 months
Cancelled: Discussion, Planning, and status on Testing Openshift & Hawk-Metrics Integration for Openshift 3.1
by Michael Foley
A single instance of the following meeting has been cancelled:
Subject: Discussion, Planning, and status on Testing Openshift & Hawk-Metrics Integration for Openshift 3.1
Organizer: "Michael Foley" <mfoley(a)>
Location: Bluejeans
Time: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 3:00:00 PM - 3:30:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Required: pruan(a); mmahoney(a); vnguyen(a); snegrea(a); jsanda(a); mwringe(a)
Optional: jon-qa-list(a); jboss-on-team(a); hawkular-dev(a)
Let's have a discussion and planning session on testing Openshift & Hawkular Integration!
Let's use this etherpad to coordinate the discussion -->>
5 Point Plan for Openshift 3.1 GA
* Unit tests .... owned by Hawk-Metrics developers
* Integration tests ... owned by Hawk-Metrics developers and Hawk-Metrics QE
* Performance CI on Hawk-Metrics (this one is actually new and was not discussed on Wednesday , but I now see it makes sense)
* Functional Integration tests on Hawk-Metrics latest + Openshift Origin latest
Funtional/UI .... Cucumber/Ruby tests ...owned by Openshift QE * Functional/Rest ... Cucumber/Ruby tests ... owned by Openshift QE
* Performance & Scalability .... owned by Openshift QE
Michael Foley
QE Supervisor, Middleware BU
8 years, 11 months