
  • 14 participants
  • 30 discussions
"Getting Things Done" (David Allen) System: Artificer
by Brett Meyer
1 month, 3 weeks
Some food for thought about improving the release of (large) features
by Heiko W.Rupp
7 years, 8 months
plan for HOSA to store inventory collected by Java Agent
by John Mazzitelli
7 years, 8 months
HEADS UP: Hawkular Services is now on Inventory.v3
by Heiko W.Rupp
7 years, 8 months
bug in MiQ / javaagent integration - needs to be fixed
by John Mazzitelli
7 years, 8 months
OpenShift OAuth authentication and authorization for Hawkular APM
by Lars Milland
7 years, 8 months
need a briefing on what the hawkular agent is now doing with respect to inventory
by John Mazzitelli
7 years, 8 months
Add functionality to change password.
by Mohammad Murad
7 years, 8 months
Hawkular Agent 1.0.0.CR1 has been released - inventory in metrics
by John Mazzitelli
7 years, 8 months
playing with HOSA outside OS
by John Mazzitelli
7 years, 8 months
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