On 18 Mar 2016, at 15:52, Thomas Segismont wrote:
Le 18/03/2016 15:48, Heiko W.Rupp a écrit :
> On 18 Mar 2016, at 15:26, Stefan Negrea wrote:
>> IDEs. The classic example is having a line with 120 characters of Java
>> code, the developer decides to test something by commenting out this
>> line; the commenting takes 3 extra characters for a total of 123
>> characters. The IDE does not re-format to length and now there is a
>> build error.
> Exactly - that was my pain point over the year
Not sure about Eclipse but Intellij has an option to reformat comments
Which I don't want when just commenting out one bad line
when trying things.
This whole checkstyle / license / ... machinery is great for the moment
just before the changes are going out your computer to co-workers.
Before you should be able to roundtrip as fast as possible