today's hawkular inventory+WFagent combo have no information about the
deployments of server groups. So my question is what approach should I use,
if we want to visualize the deployments, possibly datasources as members of
a server group?
When using jboss-cli.sh I can see that a server running in a domain mode
has a deployment subsystem under the /server-group=main-server-group and I
can deploy a war into it and check that it's there. But I can't see
anything like that in the inventory neither for the server group resource
[1] nor for the member "domain server" [2].
Do I have to somehow change the configuration of the WF agent subsystem in
host.xml to report those deployments? I assumed installer should do that
when running with --target-config=.../host.xml
btw. I used this cmd for deploying a war: