OpenShift has a lot of events it can gather, it could be really cool
if we could display these events as marks in the graphs. I don't know
if we can use Hawkular Metric string metrics to store these, or
something in Alerts to do it. Heapster has a component to gather these
events for us
It would seem best to consolidate storage in metrics so that data is all
available, and possible more able to be correlated, via the same API.
Havng said that, alerting can store events in its own way. They can be
tagged (no tag change history). They can be queried by date range.
They are partitioned mainly by tenant. The storage model in alerting
may not be as scalable as metrics. Incoming events can optionally be
diverted into trigger evaluation, and in that way incoming events could
trigger other events/alerts, or kick off actions.