Also if I go on, it probably means create new endpoints for mixed
availability. For instance:
and in case we're interested in getting stats of a mixed availability,
something like:
Parallel changes would be done for string data type.
On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Thomas Heute <theute(a)> wrote:
That sounds like a pretty useful feature to me.
Is there any blocker or can Joel move forward ?
On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Jay Shaughnessy <jshaughn(a)>
> Certainly you can't base overall application health on some random
> aggregate avail. It's an indicator, like so many other things, of where
> problems could lie. I don't think there is anything wrong with a
> percentage as a quick indicator, from there you'd drill down as needed. As
> Joel says, it depends also on what you choose to aggregate. When your URL
> response times are degraded, likely firing alerts, you then want to
> understand why. Aggregate avails could help answer the questions. There's
> always examples of how to misuse tools, a hammer can easily break your
> thumb, doesn't mean hammers are bad.
> On 8/30/2016 11:45 AM, Joel Takvorian wrote:
> Just a precision because I'm not sure if I was clear on that: the idea is
> to mix series based on a list of ids, or tags. Not *everything*
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:39 PM, Joel Takvorian <jtakvori(a)>
> wrote:
>> I agree that you won't want to mix everything, but you can still adopt
>> some groupings that are meaningful, for instance group all front-end
>> servers into a front-end availability series, and all back-ends into
>> another series.
>> Moreover, once you get all the availability as ratio, it's easy to map
>> to a binary availability if it's what you're looking for. The REST api
>> provide the data, then it's up to you to display what is the most relevant.
>> I think ratio datapoints is an easy-to-use, yet complete, information.
>> Joel
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Michael Burman <miburman(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So if I have 8 MySQLs, 4 primaries, 4 replicas. One primary is down and
>>> the replica of that set is down as well. I request Availability of my
>>> datastore and I get 80% UP. If I had two replicas down instead, I would get
>>> 80% UP. There's a huge difference in these scenarios.
>>> I'm not a fan of percents for that simple reason. Is my service up?
>>> Yes, it's 99% up, only all the front-end servers are down.. ugh.
>>> - Micke
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "John Sanda" <jsanda(a)>
>>> To: "Discussions around Hawkular development" <
>>> hawkular-dev(a)>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 4:11:07 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Hawkular-dev] Availability metrics: aggregate stats series
>>> I like the idea of aggregated availabilities, but I don’t know that it
>>> can easily be simplified to up/down. Let’s say we have 3 Cassandra nodes
>>> deployed with replication_factor = 1. If one node goes down we are at 66%
>>> availability.
>>> > On Aug 29, 2016, at 3:24 AM, Joel Takvorian <jtakvori(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hello all,
>>> >
>>> > I'm still aiming to add some features to the grafana plugin.
>>> started to integrate availabilities, but now I'm facing a problem when
>>> comes to show aggregated availabilities ; for example think about an
>>> OpenShift pod that is scaled up to several instances.
>>> >
>>> > Since availability is basically "up" or "down" (or,
to simplify with
>>> the other states such as "unknown", say it's either
"up" or "non-up"), I
>>> propose to add this new feature: availability stats with aggregation. The
>>> call would be parameterized with an aggregation method, which would be
>>> either "all of" or "any of": with "all of" we
consider that the aggregated
>>> series is UP when all its parts are UP.
>>> >
>>> > It would require a new endpoint since the AvailabilityHandler
>>> currently only expose stats queries with metric id as query parameter - not
>>> suitable for multiple metrics.
>>> >
>>> > Any objection or remark for this feature?
>>> >
>>> > Joel
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