Top if you want to be cool :)
I had never heard of this matrix parameter thing until your post. But I
sort of like how it extracts the global and orthogonal authz info out of
the path and query params. I'll throw my support in this direction but
reserve the right to change my mind. More importantly, we need a
consistent approach across Hawkular. If we can't decide then I vote
that Heiko choose and not let the discussion linger very long so as to
get the API published ASAP.
On 5/13/2015 9:34 AM, Matt Wringe wrote:
On 12/05/15 01:45 PM, Thomas Segismont wrote:
> Le 12/05/2015 15:17, Stefan Negrea a écrit :
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Thomas Segismont"<tsegismo(a)>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:08:36 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Hawkular-dev] Tenant Id - Not Part of URL
>>>> You mean use_hawkularTenant_ instead of the_tenant_ query param? That
>>>> makes less sense to me.
>> I would use an identical query parameter so consumers that do not want/have the
option to use headers can just append an identical query parameter. The hyphen is not
reserved, therefore it can be used as part of the query parameter name or value without
encoding. Correct me if I am wrong about the hyphen.
> Please do not switch from top to bottom posting, or I might start to get
> sick :p
What is the correct convention for posting to the list? :) Top, bottom,
For the query parameter, is there any reason why we are using a query
parameter and not a matrix parameter?
Personally I think a matrix parameter makes a lot more sense
Always having to specify tenant at the end of the url seems strange to
be. Logically I would think that it should be applied to the metrics
resource itself and not to all the child resources.
Something like this would normally mean that the parameter 'a' is to be
applied to the 'foo/bar' resource:
While, something like this would normally mean that the parameter 'a' is
to be applied to the 'foo/bar/baz' resource:
> Yes, "Hawkular-Tenant" is valid, but I'd prefer to pick something
> ("tenant") for the query parameter fallback.
> In fact, I'd prefer to have short names for all out-of-band query
> parameters, like "pretty" to get a formatted JSON output.
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