So Hawkular APM will give it a try...
The Git repo is here:
And the published book will be here:
PS: At least another project/product used it successfully it seems:
Keycloak / Red Hat SSO
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Thomas Heute <theute(a)> wrote:
I mostly have concerns about having docs spread over multiple
But if the plan is to move all to gitbook, it should be ok.
Also we should still use AsciiDoc (I see that gitbook supports AscissDoc
and Markdown)
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Gary Brown <gbrown(a)> wrote:
> Hi
> Wondering if gitbooks was ever considered for the documentation? Seems
> ideal as we can version each book with the component(s) it relates to, and
> users can download a pdf version for use offline.
> Was thinking about experimenting with it for the updated APM docs?
> Any objections?
> Regards
> Gary
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