Hi all,
I am currently working on the Hawkular Metrics repository as part of the Google Summer of
Code 2015 program and this is to update the progress of my project.
I spent the last week familiarizing myself with the existing Hawkular Metrics repo on
github and some of its code. As of now, I have created a new git repo on my github profile
which intends to implement a simple plugin interface using 5 basic statistical algorithms.
These are -
Minimum of the entered data set.
Maximum of the entered data set.
Average of the entered data set.
Mode of the entered data set.
Standard Deviation of the entered data set.
The link to this git repo is -
This is just initial draft for the interface to be implemented. Here, StatisticalAlgo.java
is the interface and other named java classes are the classes implementing the interface.
PluginDemo.java is the test class. At the moment, everything in the code is hardcoded and
static in nature which will later be converted for dynamic usage.
The next step requires following listed work to be done -
Use maven to build the project.
Use Classloader for all classes implementing StatisticalAlgo.
Require input from user as to which plugin is to be used.
Aakarsh Agarwal