I am also interested in working on this client.
My skillset is core java and rest (btw - it would be great to see Hawkular
use swagger and sagger2markup
Im particularly interested in looking into how a user can subscribe to, and
receive specific alerts using push. Does the android app use Aerogear?
On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Anuj Garg <anuj1708(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I came across project Hawkular about one month ago and it was really
fascinating. My skillset in major are CORE JAVA, Android and REST so I want
to contribute in upgrading android client of Hawkular to include functions
added after Alpha 3(for which present client is made up of). I am watching
over the current code for android client and need guidance to work on it.
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