Well, for inventory, we're considering dropping the context of a tenant
Accounts don't work with a tenant in a usual meaning of that word very well -
in accounts there is nothing like an isolated "island" that cannot be accessed
by anyone outside of that island.
Instead, accounts work with a hierarchy of organizations, of which users can
be members of (and have different roles in) and impersonate them.
In inventory, we're using tenants rather loosely - while they form a root of
the path to any other entity in inventory, it is not disallowed to link
entities from different tenants.
A single tenant as a root of the hierarchy doesn't correspond well to the
hierarchical nature of accounts organizations. So instead, to offer similar,
if disconnected, approach to structuring things, we are thinking about
replacing a single tenant with a hierarchy of "partitions" or
"locations" (the
nomenclature is not settled as isn't the concept itself ;) ). The thinking
behind it is that while orgs model the departmental and security structure of
a company, the partitions/locations would/could model the physical location of
machines in the company's infrastructure (/geo5/datacenterA/...) or they could
model a logical structure of the machines (/middleware/client5/...), or they
even could mirror the security structure of orgs.
In any case, given the fact that either tenant or any of its successors are
iherent part of a an ID of any entity (entities in inventory are identified by
their path, not by a unique ID), I think we will have to keep them in the
URI's, too, as it would not make sense to address things like:
is most probably an utterly different thing that is completely unrelated to
the first one.
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:28:50 John Sanda wrote:
Will the REST APIs for other hawkular services take a similar
approach? This
seems like an area where we want to be consistent across APIs.
> On Apr 28, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Lukas Krejci <lkrejci(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> How do metrics' tenants fit into the hawkular accounts and its persona
> concept?
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stefan Negrea" <snegrea(a)redhat.com>
>> To: "Discussions" <hawkular-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, 28 April, 2015 5:44:56 PM
>> Subject: [Hawkular-dev] Tenant Id - Not Part of URL
>> Hello Everybody,
>> I've been working on a PR for the upcoming Hawkular Metrics release that
>> will remove the tenant id from the end-point URLs. The tenant id will be
>> moved to either a header parameter or a query parameter. The query
>> parameter is in place for cases (such as curl) where setting a header is
>> not possible, difficult, or inconvenient.
>> Here is an example of the change:
>> Existing URL:
>> /{tenantId}/gauge/{metricId}/data
>> New URL:
>> /gauge/{metricId}/data
>> Tenant id set via:
>> 1) header - tenantId
>> 2) query parameter - tenantId
>> There are two exceptions to this rule, /tenants and
>> /db/{tenantid}/series.
>> The /tenants end-point will be changed into something different in the
>> upcoming releases since it is mostly a management type API that does not
>> belong in the same place with the regular metrics endpoint. And
>> /db/{tenantid}/series end-point is needed in this exact format for
>> compatibility with Influxdb compatible services.
>> Now, to the merits of this change. The tenant id is volatile, can change
>> any time, and changes to it should be expected; but the rest of the URL
>> is fixed. The second issue is that the tenant id is a security concern.
>> So we were limited in design choices since a security concern was
>> leaking as part of the URL.
>> So removing the tenant id from the URL will give us permanent &
>> consistent
>> addresses for resources (metrics and metric data points). And we will
>> gain a lot of flexibility on the security side. In the future, users
>> could authenticate with a user/pass combo and the backend would
>> transform that into a tenant id to be used on the request. If the same
>> user later decides to use a tenant id to pass along the request, the URL
>> of the resources would not change. Another expectation is that tenant id
>> is not sufficient, it is typically a combo of id + secret; so we would
>> have resorted to a header or query param for the second piece of
>> information (the secret).
>> This change will give us the flexibility to adjust the security model
>> (the
>> meaning of tenant ids and ways to validate them) without compromising the
>> URL structure. This will help Hawkular Metrics as it gets integrated into
>> more and more projects and products.
>> Here are the links to the JIRA and the PR for this change:
>> Thank you,
>> Stefan Negrea
>> Software Engineer
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