Hi folks,
First of all sorry for the delay in this introductory mail from my side.
My name is Aakarsh Agarwal, currently a student at Indian Institute of Engineering,
Roorkee, India.
I have been selected for GSoC 2015 with JBoss, to do a project on "Hawkular -
pluggable data processors for metrics". This project is aimed to develop interface
for plugins that improve the performance of Hawkular-Metrics making it more dependable,
dynamic and extending the scope of its usage in operating with data sets.
To add, I hangout on irc channel with username - "akki_007" and my blog will be
coming soon which will be updated regularly about my progress on this project. Looking
forward to start with the work asap.
Hopefully, it will be a great Summer of Code!
Aakarsh Agarwal