I'm not sure I got what the problem is, but a token is always related to
a persona, be it the real user, be it an organization. You can't set a
Hawkular-Persona on a request with tokens, as the token itself stores
the "Hawkular-Persona" used when the token was created (defaults to the
actual user). So, if you want to have multiple personas on the android
client, you have to have multiple tokens stored locally, one for each
- Juca.
On 17.03.2016 19:40, Anuj Garg wrote:
I was working on fetching data for different personas. At that time I
facing that key/secret pair generated by /secret-store/v1/tokens/create
is being able to respond according to Hawkular-Persona provided in the
But One generated by "Create Token" on token page is not able to work
that way. I have tried only on resources till yet though.
I am providing Persona of created org which should have returned empty
list but proving the resource URLs which are present in first Persona.
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