Heiko, if you look at the context and tags oin place for the current
triggers perhaps you can get the behavior you want. ping me if you want
to pursue.
On 3/14/2016 11:17 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
On 14 Mar 2016, at 15:30, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
> alert show up up in the alert center. The AC is not completely
> generic, suffice it to say that the UI "knows" about all of the
> current alert types. To display alerts
Ah ok.
> not intimately tied to a resource we should likely discuss. Perhaps
> we could have a short meeting and then
The alerts themselves are luckily shown in the overview :)
> post results here. I think it would be helpful to look at some code.
It is probably not too urgent. I though if I need to e.g.
supply additional data to the resource type or
trigger definition when setting up the triggers in the
first place.
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