So, I went ahead and created a PoC on what I mean could be done on the
rails side of things on the previous email: , and specially this:
It has some advantages from what we have now:
* Entity objects are not dependant on ActiveRecord, so we can use them as
value objects anywhere we want.
* We can define some conditions on spawning objects, so that we can have,
lets say, MutableServer and ImmutableServer as different classes
What do you guys think?
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Heiko W.Rupp <hrupp(a)> wrote:
On 26 May 2017, at 5:58, Josejulio Martinez Magana wrote:
>> Do we really need to drive off an agent or server-side config? Perhaps
> +1
> I think we should consider this option. The agent provides general
I am not married to the agent providing this metadata, which
is shown by the "or on the server" part ;-)
Driving the UI from metadata on the Hawkular-services
side allows us to add support for new kinds of servers
- outside of MiQ release cycles
- by the people that write those servers without them becoming MiQ experts
Also issues like e.g. a missing property can be fixed on the H-S
side by adding this to the metdata.
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